Montesano School District

Excellence in Education

Montesano is a community where people learn,
grow and work together.  With high-quality
instruction, every student, regardless of race, class,
language, or disability, can succeed. 

Filtering by Category: Jr. Sr. High Home

First Day of School & Schedules

Welcome to the first day of school for the 2015-16 school year.  I would like to give you a couple of reminders before classes begin:

1. Check your skyward account and print your schedule. We are working hard to adjust class sizes and your students schedule may have changed. 

2. We are also looking at adding a math instructor after the start of the year so schedules may need to be altered again. We apologize for the inconvenience. We appreciate your patience in the create the best possible educational experience.


Library Media Center Art Contest

“It Came

from a Book”

Art Contest


Submission Guidelines

  • ·  Create a piece of art inspired by the theme “It Came from a Book!”
  • ·  Your artwork can be any type -  painting, drawing, sculpture, photography. 
  • ·  The submitted artwork must fit within a square foot space. 
  • ·  Submitted artwork must have a name or title and a description (on a full size piece of paper) of how “it came from a book”.
  • ·  All Montesano Jr. Sr. High students can participate with one piece of artwork. 
  • ·  All submissions must be original.

·  All entries are due in the Jr. Sr. High Library Media Center by the end of school day Thursday October 1. 

Prizes - Winners will be announced Monday, October 5. 

·  The winning artwork determined by the Jr. Sr. High staff will  receive a $25 gift certificate.

·  Honorable mention artwork will receive a $5 gift certificate.

Back to School

Students and parents welcome back to the 2015-2016 school year and a special welcome to the class of 2021. Here are some reminders as we get started this year. The office opens on August 24th. Students wishing to adjust their schedules should call the counseling center to set up an appointment.  Their number is 249-1636.

If you have questions regarding skyward logins and passwords or the registration process, please call 249-1635 and leave a message.  Lori and Jamie are checking messages and will return your calls. as soon as possible 

If you are new to our district, please go to "Admissions" and "New Student Enrollment" on the Jr-Sr High School Website.  After you complete this process, the registrar will get back to you after the office opens.

Seventh Grade Parents - We will have our seventh grade orientation on Wednesday, August 26th at 6:00 pm in the commons. Your student will have a chance to walk through their class schedule and practice locker combinations.   There will be a lot of valuable information given out that night to both parents and students.  We encourage you all to attend.

If you have other questions about sports start dates and other activities, please check the calendar for the high school and district office. 

Welcome Back!

2015-2016 Student Registration (current students only)

The new school year will be here before you know it.  Registration begins on August 1 through Skyward for all returning students.  Any new students should go to New Student Enrollment on the Montesano Jr/Sr High Website.

Letters were mailed home at the end of June giving you all the details regarding the registration process.  In case you have misplaced your letter, you may select the link here:  2015-2016 Registration Letter.

Enjoy the remainder of summer and we'll see you on September 2, 2015 for the first day of school.

FFA Plant Sale

Montesano High School FFA Annual Plant Sale

Fridays: 2:00 – 4:00 Saturdays:
9:00 – 12:00 Weekdays:
By Appointment (360)249-4041 

Come check out our large variety of plants, flowers, and hanging baskets!

We have Tomatoes, Marigolds, Geraniums, Petunias, Veggie Starts, Begonias and much more!

The Montesano High School greenhouse, 302 N. Sylvia Ave, next to the junior high gymnasium on the north end of the school.

All proceeds benefit Montesano High School FFA

2015-2016 Sports Physicals

If you're child is entering 7th grade and has an interest in playing sports at Montesano Jr-Sr High School, they will need a sports physical.  If your child hasn't had a sports physical in two years, they will need to have a new sports physical.  All physicals are valid for two years.  

The Athletic Department has scheduled sports physicals for Saturday, June 6 at Montesano Internal Medicine.  The hours are 8:30 am to 11:30 am and the cost is $20.  You may pay with a check or cash only.  No debit or credit cards will be accepted.  To schedule an appointment or if you have any questions, please contact Judy Vandinter at 360-249-1666.

End of the School Year is Almost Here

Graduation is scheduled for June 14, 2015 at 2:00 pm in the Bo Griffith High School Gym.   Before that, we have lots of activities scheduled and we encourage parents to help their kids stay on track and get plenty of rest, especially as the weather improves.  We just finished High School ASB Elections and are looking forward to the Jr/Sr Ball this Saturday.  SURE Club is hosting the "Every 32 Minutes" program this week to encourage kids to drive safe and not distracted.  Next week our Juniors will be participating in "Business Week."  This is a program where the Junior Class really learns about running a business with the help of local business leaders.  On Wednesday, April 29 we have the "Senior Panoramic Picture" scheduled for the Class of 2015.   On May 19, 20 and 21 ELA testing is scheduled for the 10th grade.  It is a graduation requirement that students pass these tests.

In addition to the above listed activities, we have lots of testing days, band & choir concerts, softball, baseball, track, tennis, golf, and powerlifting still to take place.  The first two weeks of June will be very busy with senior activities and end of year activities, as well as student recognition assemblies, and junior high "Fun Day."   For a full listing of events, please go to the Jr/Sr Calendar on the website.

It's Coming........."Spring Break-Out" FREE Lunches for all Montesano School District Students

The Montesano Church of God is hosting "Spring Break-Out" and providing FREE lunches to all Montesano School District students.  The Break-Out begins on Monday, April 6  and goes through Friday, April 10.  The hours are 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.  The Montesano Church of God is located at 317 E. Spruce Street.  If you have any food allergies, give them a call at 249-3242 and they will work to accommodate your needs.  The Church of God encourages all who are interested to come and join them for lunch and fun.  Please enter in the alley side door (follow the signs).


Here is a tool for you to stay up on all the changes we have for spring sports.  Go to  and the Montesano High School page.  On the right hand side there is an orange "Subscribe" button.  Click this button and follow the directions.  You will get an e-mail confirmation that will direct you to sign up for e-alerts.  If you register on this site and sign up for alerts, you will receive the changes as they happen.  You pick which sport/sports you would like to receive alerts about.  Please pass this on to anyone that follows the Montesano Bulldogs.  If you have any questions, please call the Athletic Department @ 249-1666.

HS ASB Meeting, February Minutes

February 8

ASB Meeting

1.Opening ceremony

    A) Meeting called to order 8:52

    B) Flag salute

    C) Roll call and quorum  

        -22 people (quorum met)

2. Minutes of previous meeting not available.

    A) Will read January’s minutes next meeting for approval.

3.Officer’s reports

    A.) Treasurer’s report N/A

4.) Old Business

    A.) Blood drive

        -went well

                    -8:30 to 2:30

    B.) Concessions

        - something we may think about doing next year

        - split in half with junior high

    C.) Heart week

        - went very well for the first time

        - other clubs can be put on just need to be approved

    D.) Signs in hallway

        - has to have the approved stamp

        - signs will be taken down if it doesn't have a stamp

        - on every  Tuesday a committee will meet to approve signs

5) New Business

    A.) elections

        -elections in April

        - earlier than last year

        - 5 elected positions, 2 appointed

    B.) budget

        - go back to clubs and create this coming year’s budget

        - list all expenses and incomes

        - A.S.B. approves all other budgets

        - due april 17th

    C.) spike tryouts

        - 8th-11th

        - will be the same week as elections

6) closure  

    Brooke motioned to adjourn the meeting.  Josie seconded.  Motion passed.  

Meeting adjourned at 9:11AM.


Class of 2019 Registration Information

To the parents of the class of 2019.  Can you believe it? We have arrived at the time when you and your student should start thinking about the next four years. To assist you in planning, we have scheduled a Freshman information night for Wednesday, February 25 at 6:30 PM in the Montesano Jr/Sr High School Library.    

This year's class will mark the first incoming class that will need to meet the core 24 credit requirement, along with common core assessments, and end of course exams. Our time on Wednesday will be short, but packed with useful information about the upcoming registration for you and your student.   


School Bucks - Help Montesano Jr/Sr High students get donations just by grocery shopping!

If you shop at any Haggen store and use your Haggen card, money will be donated to Montesano Jr/Sr High School.  You just need to go to to link your Haggen card to our school.

If you shop at any Safeway store and use your Safeway card, money will be donated to Montesano Jr/Sr High School.  You just need to go to to sign up and link your Safeway Card to our school.



About the Smarter Balanced Practice and Training Tests

The purpose of these training tests is to become familiar with the system, functionality, and item types; the tests are not intended to guide classroom instruction.

Some students may have difficulty with some of the content aligned to higher grades within the grade level/subject range of each training test; nevertheless, this should not interfere with students’ ability to interact with an item for its intended training purpose. If an item appears to be too difficult, encourage students to experiment with the tools, choose the best answer and move on to the next item.

Accessing the Practice and Training Tests
Users may take the practice and training tests using guest mode or securely using a supported secure browser or web browser. In general, the following web browsers can be used: Firefox 10–30, Chrome 31–35, Safari 5–7, and Internet Explorer 10 or 11. For more information, refer to the Supported Browsers page.

End-of-Course Exams

End-of-Course (EOC) exams in math and biology allow students in grades 9-12 to be tested on the knowledge and skills they’ve gained from taking specific courses. They are different from tests like Smarter Balanced, which are comprehensive and assess overall content-area knowledge.

EOCs are administered twice per year and the last three weeks of the course semester. Each school determines its own testing schedule.

Students who have attempted an EOC in the past, but did not meet standard should plan to take the appropriate EOC at the end of this semester. The Algebra EOC will be Monday, February 2. The Geometry EOC will be Tuesday, February 3. The Biology EOC will be Wednesday, February 4.

All make-up testing will be held in the Library~Media Center and begin at 8:20 A.M. each day. Students should bring their own calculator. Pencils and other testing materials will be provided.

If students or parents have any questions, please contact your student's counselor.

Food Bowl Totals

Congratulations to the students and staff at Montesano for their tremendous efforts in raising food and money for the 2014 Food Bowl. Monte kids with the support of our community raised 14,940 pounds in food and $33,337.51 in money that goes directly to the food bank in Montesano. 

Without the hard work from our students and the support of the community this would never be possible. I am well aware of how activities like Food Bowl take away from instruction in the classroom. Sometimes the lessons that stay us the longest are not those learned in a book. 

Way to go Bulldogs...... 

It starts here: Why kids should be involved in school athletics:

I recently read an article in the November issue of High School Today about how involvement in school, particularly athletics, can be a savior for many kids.  The article discussed how involvement in athletics/activities from suspension, drugs, and other perils that youth face today. 

In the article Louis Zamperini of Unbroken fame was this young man. (If you haven't read the book I highly recommend it) Louis was a youth lost and out of control when his PE teacher noticed his athletic ability and got him to turn out for cross-county. In his sophomore year he won the California state cross-country championship. He would graduate and attend USC on a track scholarship, and then earn a spot on the 1936 Olympic team that competed in Berlin. 

His story did not end there and is one of great courage and perseverance through many hardships but he said he always relied on the work ethic and closeness he gained through his participation in athletics during high school that saved his life. 

Keeping your kids involved in school whether through athletics or through activities can make a tremendous difference for them.. I always encourage our students to be involved in as much as they can as these four years will pass by before you know it. 



Once again it is that time of year to collect money and food to benefit our local food bank.  For those who don't know, we hold a competition between Elma High School and Montesano High School to see who can raise the most money and collect the largest amount of food for their respective food banks.  The winning school then gets bragging rights with their name on a trophy.  

However, the real winners are the food banks.  It is always heartwarming to see how much our small community donates to such a worthy cause.  This year, students will be collecting at the stoplight, during the Festival of Lights parade, and during numerous fundraisers.  The paper bag drive will begin Sunday, November 30 and is an easy way for the community to donate food.  Without leaving the comfort of your home, bags will be picked up Sunday, December 7.

Some of the fundraisers we'll have this year include, an Old Time Radio Show on Saturday, December 6, Boys Buff Volleyball Tournament, McTakeover, Talent Show, Dessert Bingo and a Silent Auction in the High School Office, with lots of great items for the public to bid on.

You can also donate online through our "Bulldog Online Store" beginning December 5.  Just go to the search box on this website and type in Bulldog Online Store.  Select Jr/Sr High School Online Store and then select "Click here to go to our store. Once you enter the Online Store, select Fundraisers, select Food Bowl (should be the first button) and choose an amount to donate.  No amount is too small.

Food Bowl begins Friday, December 5, and the weigh-in is on Tuesday, December 16 at 3:30 pm.  Don't forget, your donations are tax deductible.

Again, thank you for supporting Montesano High School in our mission to raise food and money to fill our food bank.  Your support is truly appreciated.


Food Bowl Flyer

Food Bowl Calendar


Drama Production

What do Santa, the Easter bunny, and Thanksgiving Turkey have in common? They've been accused of criminal acts and are trying to prove their innocence!  Come and see the first Drama club production of the year, “Holiday Celebrities: Criminal Justice” this Saturday, November 15th at 7:00 PM and Sunday, November 16th at 2:00 PM.  Great entertainment at a great price!  Only $5 at the door.