End of the School Year is Almost Here
Graduation is scheduled for June 14, 2015 at 2:00 pm in the Bo Griffith High School Gym. Before that, we have lots of activities scheduled and we encourage parents to help their kids stay on track and get plenty of rest, especially as the weather improves. We just finished High School ASB Elections and are looking forward to the Jr/Sr Ball this Saturday. SURE Club is hosting the "Every 32 Minutes" program this week to encourage kids to drive safe and not distracted. Next week our Juniors will be participating in "Business Week." This is a program where the Junior Class really learns about running a business with the help of local business leaders. On Wednesday, April 29 we have the "Senior Panoramic Picture" scheduled for the Class of 2015. On May 19, 20 and 21 ELA testing is scheduled for the 10th grade. It is a graduation requirement that students pass these tests.
In addition to the above listed activities, we have lots of testing days, band & choir concerts, softball, baseball, track, tennis, golf, and powerlifting still to take place. The first two weeks of June will be very busy with senior activities and end of year activities, as well as student recognition assemblies, and junior high "Fun Day." For a full listing of events, please go to the Jr/Sr Calendar on the website.