HS ASB Meeting, February Minutes
February 8
ASB Meeting
1.Opening ceremony
A) Meeting called to order 8:52
B) Flag salute
C) Roll call and quorum
-22 people (quorum met)
2. Minutes of previous meeting not available.
A) Will read January’s minutes next meeting for approval.
3.Officer’s reports
A.) Treasurer’s report N/A
4.) Old Business
A.) Blood drive
-went well
-8:30 to 2:30
B.) Concessions
- something we may think about doing next year
- split in half with junior high
C.) Heart week
- went very well for the first time
- other clubs can be put on just need to be approved
D.) Signs in hallway
- has to have the approved stamp
- signs will be taken down if it doesn't have a stamp
- on every Tuesday a committee will meet to approve signs
5) New Business
A.) elections
-elections in April
- earlier than last year
- 5 elected positions, 2 appointed
B.) budget
- go back to clubs and create this coming year’s budget
- list all expenses and incomes
- A.S.B. approves all other budgets
- due april 17th
C.) spike tryouts
- 8th-11th
- will be the same week as elections
6) closure
Brooke motioned to adjourn the meeting. Josie seconded. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 9:11AM.