Montesano School District

Excellence in Education

Montesano is a community where people learn,
grow and work together.  With high-quality
instruction, every student, regardless of race, class,
language, or disability, can succeed. 

Filtering by Tag: skyward

2019-2020 Annual Student Information Update

The Annual Student Information Update will open in Skyward Family Access on August 12th. Letters will be mailed home in the next few days explaining this process. This information update is for all existing students (including our incoming 7th graders) and must be completed before the student returns to school on August 28th.

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Annual Student Information Update

The Annual Student Information Update will open on August 14th.  Letters were mailed home last week explaining this process.   This information update is for all existing students (including our incoming 7th graders) and must be completed before the student returns to school on August 30th

Click here for more details regarding the Annual Student Information Update.  

2016-2017 Student Registration (current students only)

Registration for the 2016-2017 school year is now open.  Registration for returning students is 100% online through Skyward Family Access.  (NEW students to Montesano School District should go to New Student Enrollment on the Montesano Jr/Sr High Website.)

Letters were mailed home several weeks ago giving you all the details regarding the registration process.   All students need to be registered before school begins.  We realize some families do not have internet access at home.  In such cases, we've set aside August 22nd-24th to assist you in one of our computer labs at MHS.  Internet access is also available at the public library.  

As always, please contact the HS Office at 249-4041 with any questions.  Enjoy the remainder of summer and we'll see you on August 31, 2016 for the first day of school!

Back to School

Students and parents welcome back to the 2015-2016 school year and a special welcome to the class of 2021. Here are some reminders as we get started this year. The office opens on August 24th. Students wishing to adjust their schedules should call the counseling center to set up an appointment.  Their number is 249-1636.

If you have questions regarding skyward logins and passwords or the registration process, please call 249-1635 and leave a message.  Lori and Jamie are checking messages and will return your calls. as soon as possible 

If you are new to our district, please go to "Admissions" and "New Student Enrollment" on the Jr-Sr High School Website.  After you complete this process, the registrar will get back to you after the office opens.

Seventh Grade Parents - We will have our seventh grade orientation on Wednesday, August 26th at 6:00 pm in the commons. Your student will have a chance to walk through their class schedule and practice locker combinations.   There will be a lot of valuable information given out that night to both parents and students.  We encourage you all to attend.

If you have other questions about sports start dates and other activities, please check the calendar for the high school and district office. 

Welcome Back!