Montesano School District

Excellence in Education

Montesano is a community where people learn,
grow and work together.  With high-quality
instruction, every student, regardless of race, class,
language, or disability, can succeed. 

Senior Check In - March 31st

Hello Class of 2020 Senior students & parents/guardians,

Here are some reminders to keep you in the loop: 

If you have questions about reaching out to trade schools or colleges or universities, please know that Mr. Pace and Mrs. Herzog are here for you to help navigate and find the answers to your questions.  

For those students who took the SAT in March during school, your scores are now available in your College Board account. 

Also, please continue to work on scholarships.  You can email us if you need a copy of your transcript and we can email one to you.


Some of you may be disappointed and some elated, but the rumor is true, we are working through the process of waiving your job shadow and senior presentation with the school board so that stress will be eliminated.

If you have a failing grade in a class at the time we left in March, please be sure you are reaching out to your teachers to get missing work caught up. Even though you may not see it reflected in Skyward, know that teachers are staying up-to-date. If you were working on Apex credit recovery, please stay on top of those courses.  It will make a huge difference. 

It is too early to tell what the time beyond the 24th of April will look like, so in the meantime do what you can, stay safe, and stay healthy. 

Go Dogs! 

Mr. Pugh, Ms. Greene, Mrs. Herzog , and Mr. Pace