Bulldog Update Sept. 2021
Dear Bulldog Families:
In an effort to continue to keep kids safe and healthy at school, we are making some changes to how we start the day. Beginning Monday, September 27, we will be reinstating our staggered arrival times in the morning, which includes separate entrances and temperature checks:
7th grade*: 8:10 AM Main entrance
8th grade*: 8:10 AM North entrance by JH Gym
9th grade*: 8:15 AM Main entrance
10th grade*: 8:15 AM South entrance
11th grade*: 8:20 AM South entrance
12th grade*: 8:20 AM Main entrance
*Student temperatures will be taken daily upon entry.
Additionally, we need your help by checking with your students in the morning before they leave for school. We have students that are coming to school sick. They arrive at school and come to the nurse’s office, telling us they don’t feel well. If they are not feeling well, err on the side of caution and keep them home. You’ll need to report the illness to the Attendance Office (360.249.1634) and we’ll make sure their attendance is updated. Students can then check their Google Classrooms or email their teachers for any assignments for the day.
Finally, masks are required at school, yet we have dozens of students each day who arrive with no masks. Please send them with a mask if you can, or we can give them a reusable one which can be washed daily.
We are happy to be in school and learning together, and we continue to do our part to help make Montesano Jr/Sr High School a healthy, safe place for our students.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the HS Office at 360.249.4041.