Montesano School District

Excellence in Education

Montesano is a community where people learn,
grow and work together.  With high-quality
instruction, every student, regardless of race, class,
language, or disability, can succeed. 

What cohort are you in?

Please look for an email that tells you what cohort your student is assigned to.  Make sure you look in your spam folder.  

As we continue to move forward in increasing the number of students who are able to attend in-person instruction, we have selected cohorts for students to attend in-person instruction.   For the most part, you can consider this to be two cohorts, A and B.   The “A” cohort will attend in-person instruction on Monday/Tuesday.   The “B” cohort will attend in-person instruction on Thursday/Friday.  Wednesday will be remote instruction for all students to allow for a thorough clean and sanitize of each building.  Just in case we have to break down the cohorts into smaller groups, we have further subdivided A and B into A1/A2 and B1/B2.   If we get to a point that we need to go to these smaller groups, then the following in-person schedules will be implemented: A1 = Monday,  A2 = Tuesday, B1 = Thursday, B2 = Friday.  

We know that you may have a preference for what cohort your student is assigned.  We have provided you with a survey to give us feedback on what group you want your student to attend.  Please respond to the survey by January 1, 2021. 

Fill out the return to school survey - hybrid instruction

We hope you all have a wonderful winter break, and please reach out if you have any questions.