Montesano School District

Excellence in Education

Montesano is a community where people learn,
grow and work together.  With high-quality
instruction, every student, regardless of race, class,
language, or disability, can succeed. 


Once again, we will be hosting the Montesano School District Staff and Community Members (12 years and older) Flu Shot Clinic. The clinic will be on Wednesday, September 11th from 11:00AM-4:00PM* in the HS LIbrary. Nurse Janet can bill Regence, Premera, Uniform, Kaiser of WA and Medicare, directly. (No Medicaid or Apple Insurance). Without insurance, the flu shot cost is $35 (cash or check).

Please click on the following link to download the consent form and informational sheet. Bring the completed consent/billing form to the flu clinic.

Flu Shot Consent Form

Flu Shot Vaccine Information

Have your insurance card and a copy of the front of a card. If you have any questions, please contact Kim Royer RN, our District Nurse, at 360.249.1650.

*Flu shots will also be available during the Jr/Sr High Open House at 6:30PM.