Welcome Back!
The staff at Simpson School is very excited about the 2014-15 school year, and we would like to welcome you to our school. Learning truly is an adventure, and the staff members at Simpson are looking forward to taking this journey with you.
Simpson is very proud of the programs that are offered for our students, and it is important
that we are meeting every learners’ needs. Simpson will be offering a 4th-6th grade Learning Assistance Program which will provide vital interventions in reading and math. Additionally, we will be offering a highly capable program to provide valuable enrichment opportunities for students who qualify. Other programs that students may participate in include ASB, Simpson’s Service Team, honor choir, drumming club, Simpson’s After School Program, as well as Pals/Buddies just to name a few.
Math Expressions is our current math program for grades 4 and 5, and our 6th grade program
is Holt Mathematics Course 1. Both programs emphasize math literacy and have algebra embedded throughout each unit. Regular homework is an important component of each program and allows students to practice the skills learned in class. Each program also has wonderful internet resources for students and families available at www.thinkcentral.com. Students will be given log-in information at the beginning of the year which will give them access to student materials and additional help.
4th and 5th grade classes will be using a reading program this year called Treasures. Treasures is aligned to the Common Core State Standards which Washington has adopted as our state's learning standards for English and math. Our 6th grade adopted Pearson Literature Grade 6, which is the first year in the junior/senior high English curriculum. Pearson is also aligned to the Common Core State Standards.
The Simpson Model Forest is in its fourth year of development. Last year, 4th grade students, teachers and volunteers continued to removed non-native plants and planted native Washington plants. The fourth grade team has been busy working on a field kit for a variety of learning opportunities centered on our model forest.
Each student at Simpson Elementary is very special and important to us. It is our goal that students are happy at school and achieve the high standards that are set for them. In order for the staff at Simpson to achieve our goal, school and home must work together for student success. Together we can make a difference! Here’s to a wonderful year of learning and laughter.
Stephanie Klinger, Principal