Parents & Students: We have information for you regarding school picture days (all students) and term 2 class material pickup (remote students). School pictures, and class materials pickup, for remote students, will be on Friday, November 6 and Monday, November 9. These times are assigned by each student’s last name and are outlined below. Students need to come at their designated dates/times to ensure proper social distancing. For MODEL & Running Start students, it is not necessary to come in and pick up materials, but we do want you to get your picture taken on Tuesday, November 10. Again, the picture times have been assigned based on the student’s last name and are also outlined below. *All students should plan on having their photo taken for school records, regardless if you are purchasing pictures or not.
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The District calendar shows early releases for the elementary schools the week of November 9 through November 13 for parent-teacher conferences. Because MHS had our conferences on October 7, we will be on a regular schedule November 12 & November 13. Please mark your calendars as this is a change from the original calendar dates.
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Our Yearbook staff is hard at work memorializing this unique school year. Yearbooks are currently on sale for $55 through November 13th. After that, the price will increase to $75.
Yearbook orders are placed directly with Jostens at
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School picture day(s) at Montesano Jr/Sr High have been scheduled!
Picture day will be in conjunction with class material pick-up for term 2, and students will be assigned specific dates and times to come to the school.
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MHS Fall Conferences will take place on Wednesday, October 7th. Conferences will be from 1:00-5:00PM, and 6:00-8:00PM and will be held via Zoom. We will again be using Skyward Family Access to schedule all conferences. The scheduling window is Monday, September 28th through Friday, October 2nd. All conferences must be scheduled during this window.
We have mailed home conference information and instructions to all parents/guardians. Please contact the HS Office at 360.249.4041 for any additional questions.
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In case you missed it!
The Seattle Seahawks have gathered two jerseys from more than 200 high-school football teams from throughout the state. Montesano’s jerseys #31 (Adam Bighill) & #12 were on display last night during the Seahawks 35-30 win over the New England Patriots.
Thank you, Seahawks! Go Dogs!!
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Browse the collection.
Reserve a book.
Receive an email when the book is ready to pick up.
Get started now —-
Tonight is our Virtual Open House from 6:00-7:00PM!
Students should be signing into their Google Classroom(s) so families can watch any recorded videos from their teachers. We have set aside times for parents to have open Zoom with teachers for Q & A’s.
*Check Skyward Messenger or Google Classroom for Zoom links
Period 1- 6:00- 6:15PM
Period 2 6:20- 6:35PM
Period 3 6:40-6:55PM
Zero Hour 7:00-7:15PM
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Dear Bulldog Families,
We are just under a week away from kicking off remote learning for the 2020-2021 school year. Whether you picked the in-person/remote learning or MODEL program, we want you to know we are here for your students. Administration, teachers, and staff are working hard to provide the best learning opportunities for our students. With that being said, here are a few things families need to know:
Virtual Open House: Open house is on Monday, August 31st, 6-7PM. Teachers will be inviting parents/guardians and students to an informational Zoom meeting where they will discuss classroom expectations and course details for the quarter. Each Zoom will be about 15 minutes in length. Be watching your Skyward Family access for invites to each teacher’s Zoom.
Wednesday, September 2, 2020, is the first day of school! This is a Wednesday, so following the remote learning plan, it will be a shortened class schedule. Click here to view the Remote Learning Schedule.
Attendance & Grading: Attendance will be taken daily. Parents, if your child has a doctor’s appointment, is sick, or will not be available to participate in the daily lesson, please go into Skyward and enter his/her absence. Grades will also be entered into Skyward on a regular basis, so please make it a routine to check on your child’s progress regularly.
Remote Learning Expectations: Click here to view our Remote Learning Expectations for students, teachers and parents. Please review the expectations with your student as this will be important to their success. We are all in this together, and together we will be successful!
M.O.D.E.L: If your student is doing all online, he/she will be receiving an email with his/her login information and classes scheduled. Counselors are currently working on these schedules, making sure students are enrolled in courses that meet graduation requirements. Parents will also receive more specific information from the on-site coordinator in the weeks to come.
Google Classroom/Zoom: Students who selected the in-person/remote learning will be receiving Google Classroom codes via email in the days to come. Once they are in Google Classroom, they will be given a link for Zoom meetings. Zooms will start at the beginning of each period and may last the whole class period, may be broken up into chunks of time, or may have different checkpoints with the teacher such as beginning and end, depending on subject matter and the lesson for the day.
Textbook/Material Pick Up: If your student is in the in-person/remote learning option and did not pick up materials for their first three classes last week, you need to come to the school either Monday (8/31) or Tuesday (9/1) between 8:00AM-12:00PM to collect your textbooks. Remember - MASKS ARE REQUIRED.
We are excited for this new school year. It’s going to have its challenges, but as Bulldogs, we know we will succeed when we work together.
Alec & Anne
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Dear MHS Families and Students:
Through the course of last spring we worked to keep you and your students updated on the happenings around the school community, as we moved through the continually shifting end to our 2019-2020 school year. Our hopes for the 2020-2021 school year was to begin in person, but as you are aware, for the safety of our students, staff, and community, we are starting the year in the remote setting. Thus, it will be imperative to keep communication lines open and keep you informed of the continuously changing landscape of education.
Many of you have completed the annual registration document and have likely received a schedule for the start of the year. During the week of August 24th, we will be having in person pick up for materials required for the start of the school year for the remote learning model. That schedule will be emailed to families today. Please note, if you have chosen to take part in the M.O.D.E.L. program, it will not be necessary to come in and pick up materials to start the year. We will be reaching out to those families to enroll your student for the first 9 week quarter in the days to come.
We have come a long way since the spring, and we are excited about offering the best possible educational opportunities for our students this year whether it is in person learning, in the remote model, or the online M.O.D.E.L program. So, stay tuned as we will be providing informational updates including what students and parents should expect when we start our learning on September 2, 2020 in the remote setting.
Welcome back, and until we have an opportunity to see you in person, stay safe and healthy.
Alec and Anne
Alec Pugh, Principal
AnnMarie Greene, Asst. Principa
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Please watch for the following letter to arrive in the mail within the next few days. It was mailed Friday, August 14, 2020. The Annual Student Information Update will open in Skyward Family Access on Monday, August 17th.
Welcome Back Bulldogs and a special welcome to the “Class of 2026”. This has been an unprecedented year and now, more than ever, we are looking forward to working with you and your student as we return to learning. As decided at the School Board meeting on Tuesday, August 11th, we will begin the 2020-2021 school year remotely, meaning we will not have face-to-face instruction but will be learning from home until it’s deemed safe to return to the building.
We’ve included a learning schedule for students in this mailing and while we know there continues to be questions regarding the upcoming school year, we are working very hard to get answers out to you all. As previously indicated, our classes for the Jr/Sr High will be reduced to 3 subjects for the first nine weeks, then changing to 3 different classes for the subsequent nine weeks, etc. Detailed information on remote learning, text book retrieval, chromebook check-out, etc., will be broadcasted in the days to come. We encourage all parents, guardians, and students to watch the district and school websites at and by logging into your Skyward Family/Student Access, as we post information there regularly. As we near the beginning of school, your student will be included in Google Classrooms for each of their classes. These invitations will come via their school email – so it is imperative that students are checking their emails regularly.
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Due to large groups of individuals using our facilities, which have exceeded the Governor’s mandate of 10 people or less, we are now forced to close Jack Rottle Field and Track facilities on weekends, effective immediately. We remind you…. stay safe - stay healthy!
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The 128th annual commencement exercises for Montesano High School will be Saturday, July 11th, at 1:00PM. Graduation will NOT be open to the public this year. All senior parents have been sent graduation details.
We will be live streaming graduation and a link will be posted on our school website on July 11th.
CLASS OF 2020!
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Dear Bulldog Parents and Students:
All I can say is WOW!!!! If this hasn’t been the wildest ride you could take over the last 13 weeks, I don’t know what is… We have made it to the close of the 2019-2020 school year. I am speaking for all the staff when I say thank you for your patience and support during this closure. We have an awesome community, and I think it’s safe to say we have all earned a little break from zoom and google classroom.
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