MHS Bulldog Update 8/18/2020
Dear MHS Families and Students:
Through the course of last spring we worked to keep you and your students updated on the happenings around the school community, as we moved through the continually shifting end to our 2019-2020 school year. Our hopes for the 2020-2021 school year was to begin in person, but as you are aware, for the safety of our students, staff, and community, we are starting the year in the remote setting. Thus, it will be imperative to keep communication lines open and keep you informed of the continuously changing landscape of education.
Many of you have completed the annual registration document and have likely received a schedule for the start of the year. During the week of August 24th, we will be having in person pick up for materials required for the start of the school year for the remote learning model. That schedule will be emailed to families today. Please note, if you have chosen to take part in the M.O.D.E.L. program, it will not be necessary to come in and pick up materials to start the year. We will be reaching out to those families to enroll your student for the first 9 week quarter in the days to come.
We have come a long way since the spring, and we are excited about offering the best possible educational opportunities for our students this year whether it is in person learning, in the remote model, or the online M.O.D.E.L program. So, stay tuned as we will be providing informational updates including what students and parents should expect when we start our learning on September 2, 2020 in the remote setting.
Welcome back, and until we have an opportunity to see you in person, stay safe and healthy.
Alec and Anne
Alec Pugh, Principal
AnnMarie Greene, Asst. Principal