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Picture Re-Takes October 10th
Thursday, October 10th, is picture re-take day. All pictures were previously handed out in 1st period classes. Any packets not picked up were returned to the HS Office. Please have your student bring the original picture packets with them to retakes. If your student missed the first picture day, we have new order forms available in the HS Office. You can also place your order at (picture day ID LS219027Q1).
Read MoreSenior Parent Financial Aid Night 10/14
The Parent Financial Aid Night will be Monday, October 14th at 5:00PM at MHS in room 307. A Grays Harbor Financial Aid specialist will present information about the FAFSA and then help parents/guardians complete the FAFSA online. Please bring your 2018 taxes, social security numbers for parents/guardians and the student. To save time that evening, it is highly recommended that you log in and create a FSA ID before you come. Click here to visit the FAFSA website .
Read MoreWelcome to October
It is hard to believe that we have completed over a month of school already. October is always a busy time at Monte. Our sports teams are starting league play with hopes of the playoffs in the future. We often find that our students begin to fall behind in school because the newness of a school year is over and the same routine is upon us. Remember to stay in touch with teachers if you have questions. I would also like to mention a few happenings for October that you might want to plan for.
Read MoreMonte Scoop - Summer Edition
MHS Afterschool Program
The MHS Afterschool Program starts Monday! If your student needs a quiet place to work on homework, direct them to Ms. Zillyett’s room 309 Monday through Thursday (3:00-4:00PM).
Read MoreHomecoming Dress Drive!
There will be a Homecoming Dress Drive on Sunday, September 15th from 12:00-3:00PM in the High School Commons. This event is for anyone looking for affordable dresses in great conditions for an amazing price! Some dress will be $20, while others will be FREE. This drive is organized by the MHS Fashion Club. Please contact Teri Zillyett at with any questions.
Read MoreMHS Open House
Open House at Montesano Jr/Sr High School will be on Wednesday, September 11th from 6:30PM to 8:00PM. We encourage you all to come in and meet the teachers and to ask any questions you may have.
We will also be having the flu shot clinic available during Open House.
(See our previous post for flu shot consent form and information.)
Read MoreBlankets in the Stadium
Bulldog Football is back! Blankets will be allowed on stadium seating….blankets will only be allowed after 3:00PM on game day. Any blankets placed on stadium seats prior to this time will be removed.
Thank you for your support of our athletic programs, and GO BULLDOGS!
Read MoreJunior High Guest Speakers
On Wednesday, September 11, 2019, all junior high students will have the opportunity to attend a thirty minute assembly on social media, harassment, and sharing pictures in the digital world. The presentation will be lead by prosecuting attorney, Erin Riley, from Grays Harbor County. She will be accompanied by Detective Bob Wilson and Chief of Police Brett Vance from the Montesano Police Department.
Read MorePicture Day is Thursday!
Picture Day for Montesano Jr/Sr High School will be Thursday, September 5th. Picture packets were handed out this week, and we have additional packets available in the high school office. You may also order your pictures online at (Picture ID LS219027Q0)
Once again, we will be hosting the Montesano School District Staff and Community Members (12 years and older) Flu Shot Clinic. The clinic will be on Wednesday, September 11th from 11:00AM-4:00PM* in the HS LIbrary.
*Flu shots will also be available during the Jr/Sr High Open House at 6:30PM.
Read MoreConcussion Baseline Testing Next Week
Montesano Jr/Sr High School will be holding concussion baseline testing beginning Tuesday, August 20th for high school football players, Wednesday, August 21st for high school soccer players, and Thursday, August 22nd for high school volleyball players, in addition to any other high school athletes who have not completed the baseline test. The testing will be held in a computer lab at MHS and will begin at 8:00AM. Every student athlete should have a baseline test.
Read More7th Grade Orientation - August 22nd
Seventh grade orientation night is scheduled for Thursday, August 22nd at 6:00PM. You can take a look at where your child’s classrooms are located; meet the Principal, Assistant Principal, Counseling office staff, office staff and other staff members. You can also take care of athletic papers required for your student to participate in a sport. The 7th grade students will receive copies of their schedules at this time and will also receive locker information so they can practice their combinations. This is an important night for you and your 7th grader and we strongly urge you and your student to attend.
Read More2019-2020 Annual Student Information Update
The Annual Student Information Update will open in Skyward Family Access on August 12th. Letters will be mailed home in the next few days explaining this process. This information update is for all existing students (including our incoming 7th graders) and must be completed before the student returns to school on August 28th.
Read MoreSemester Two Report Cards
Report cards for the second semester are now available in Skyward Family Access. To log in, visit our school website at You’ll need your Login ID and password. In Family Access, click on the tab “Portfolio”. In this section you’ll see 2019 Semester 2 Report Card.
Read MoreSenior Recognition Night - June 4th
Senior Recognition Night for the Class of 2019 will be Tuesday, June 4th at 6:30PM in the high school gym. In addition to academic awards, scholarships will be awarded at this time. This is an opportunity for you to come and celebrate with us in recognizing our senior’s accomplishments as scholarships will not be read at graduation. However, they will be listed in the graduation program.
There will be a slide show highlighting their childhood and growth here in the Montesano School District. This is a tradition at Montesano High School to have a special night to recognize the accomplishments of all our seniors and to show our appreciation of their efforts. We encourage all seniors to attend.
Congratulations to the Class of 2019!
Read MoreSpring Issue 2 of The Monte Scoop
Montesano Jr/Sr High School is currently in the process of conducting a lockdown DRILL at MHS. This drill is being done to assist our staff and students in practicing the appropriate lockdown and safety procedures in the event of a real intruder emergency on campus. Your student's safety is our priority. Thank you for supporting Montesano schools!
Read MoreTechnology and Sex Crimes Presentation (Aberdeen)
There will be an informational parent meeting put on by the Grays Harbor County Prosecutor’s Office. The “Technology and Sex Crimes” presentation will be Thursday, May 16th from 6:30-7:30PM in the Aberdeen High School Auditorium. There will be a powerpoint presentation, plus a question/answer period regarding these laws.
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