Junior High Spirit Week
Junior High ASB is holding a SPIRIT WEEK next week… just for Junior High Students!
See the attached flyer...Spirit Week begins this Monday, February 13!
Read MoreExcellence in Education
Montesano is a community where people learn,
grow and work together. With high-quality
instruction, every student, regardless of race, class,
language, or disability, can succeed.
Junior High ASB is holding a SPIRIT WEEK next week… just for Junior High Students!
See the attached flyer...Spirit Week begins this Monday, February 13!
Read MoreReminder for High School Students: Tomorrow is the deadline for purchasing your class shirt for Spirit Week.
These shirts are completely voluntary. If your student doesn't want a class designed shirt, they are encouraged to wear their class color on the Wednesday (10/19) of Homecoming Week:
Freshman are RED,
Sophomores are PURPLE,
Juniors are BLUE, and
Seniors are BLACK
If you choose to purchase a shirt, please note that all shirts will be delivered to Montesano High School and their class advisor will hand them out. Please do not change the shipping address when purchasing.
Again, the purchasing deadline is: Tuesday, September 27
Any questions, please email Kellie Dalan @ kdalan@monteschools.org.
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