Montesano School District

Excellence in Education

Montesano is a community where people learn,
grow and work together.  With high-quality
instruction, every student, regardless of race, class,
language, or disability, can succeed. 

Business Week 2025

Washington Business Week will be held from February 24 - February 28 for all junior students (including Running Start Students).  For one full and exciting week, students and some faculty members will be engaged in a non-traditional discovery learning experience called Washington Business Week.  Running Start students who have questions about their involvement should contact either Ms. Greene or Ms. Ranger at Montesano High School.

Small “companies” of students will operate their own business for eight virtual quarters, solving the problems small businesses encounter with growth, production, and demand.  Through our hands-on approach, students will gain a vision of how math, science, English, technology, history, art and other curriculum will apply to their life after high school.  In turn, they may be more inclined to excel in these subjects once they have actually applied them to these “real life” situations.

A businessperson from the Grays Harbor area will mentor each student company as they move to compete against the other student companies.  Competitions include a business simulation, a marketing and stockholder’s presentation and a Trade Show.  By the fifth day, Friday afternoon, each student will have:

  • A real world understanding of business and America’s free enterprise system;

  • An appreciation of how to apply what they learn in school to the “real world” workplace;

  • Improved leadership and teamwork skills - - making each student a better Montesano team player and a better future employee and/or employer;

  • An enhanced understanding of the importance of a diverse workforce; and

  • Increased self-confidence.

The Montesano School District and the Kelsey Foundation have joined forces to make this exceptional experience possible.  The success of the Business Week program depends heavily on strong community support.   Your help is needed to make the program an overall success and to help your student get the most from this great opportunity.  Suggestions for your help  include:

  • Talking with your student about their experiences at the end of the day and encourage them to take an active part in all of the activities;

  • Volunteering to be a Company Advisor for a team of students or a Judge of the student projects at the end of the week; and/or

  • Making a donation to support the program budget.

For more information or questions please contact Stephanie Klinger at 360.249.1245, or Anne Greene/Ryan Ranger at 360.249.4041.