Montesano School District

Excellence in Education

Montesano is a community where people learn,
grow and work together.  With high-quality
instruction, every student, regardless of race, class,
language, or disability, can succeed. 

Students must register for the ACT and SAT online. Please visit the links below each test.



The PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) is a program cosponsored by the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. For many students, the PSAT/NMSQT is the first official step on the road to college. It assesses the skills developed through years of study in a wide range of courses, as well as through those experiences outside the classroom.



The ASVAB was originally designed to predict future academic and occupational success in military occupations. Since its introduction in 1968, the ASVAB has been the subject of extensive research. Numerous validation studies indicate the ASVAB assesses academic ability and predicts success in a wide variety of occupations.

Several composite scores are formed from different combinations of ASVAB test scores. Three composites, or Career Exploration Scores, are provided specifically to help students engage in career exploration. These scores help students to get a good sense of their verbal, math, and science and technical skills compared to other students in the same grade. ASVAB results are reported to students and counselors on the ASVAB Summary Results sheet. This report shows grade-specific, gender-specific, and combined standard scores and score bands for all eight tests and three Career Exploration Scores. It also provides students with percentile-based interpretations of those scores. The ASVAB Summary Results sheet provides students with appropriate explanations of the scores, as well as suggestions for their use.


  • General Science
    A 25-item test measuring knowledge of life science, earth and space science, and physical science

  • Arithmetic Reasoning
    A 30-item test measuring ability to solve basic arithmetic word problems

  • Word Knowledge
    A 35-item test measuring ability to understand the meaning of words through synonyms

  • Paragraph Comprehension
    A 15-item test measuring ability to obtain information from written material

  • Mathematics Knowledge
    A 25-item test measuring knowledge of mathematical concepts and applications

  • Electronics Information
    A 20-item test measuring knowledge of electrical current, circuits, devices, and electronic systems

  • Auto and Shop Information
    A 25-item test measuring knowledge of automotive maintenance and repair, and wood and metal shop practices

  • Mechanical Comprehension
    A 25-item test measuring knowledge of the principles of mechanical devices, structural support, and properties of materials