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Bulldog Update #8 - Working Together
Dan Winter (Superintendent), Anne Greene (MHS - Vice-Principal), Gretchen Ray, Jill Schrader (MHS - Teachers). Discuss events happening during the school closure.
Senior Spotlight
Garrett Iverson
Hello, my name is Garrett Iverson. My future education plan is to attend Washington State University to study business. My favorite high school memories include spending time with friends, Seaside Basketball Camp and competing at the State Track meet.
Senior Spotlight
Luke Jensen
This fall I will be attending Western Governors University to obtain my degree in Software Development.
My most memorable memory is the way the school year ended.
Senior Spotlight
Parker Plato
My name is Parker Plato and I am excited to get to attend Big Bend Community College and play baseball with my brother. My favorite memories at Monte are hanging with my friends and being a part of Montesano sports.
Senior Spotlight
Ariel Herrera
My future plans for after high school are to go to college to become a equine vet tech, and later became an equine vet! My favorite school memory is definitely watching the talent show each year and seeing all the amazing talent our school has!
Senior Spotlight
Jordan King
After high school I am attending Pacific University where I will be a kicker for their football team. My career goals are to become a Pharmacist.
My favorite high school memories are playing sports and all the people I have met over the years.
Senior Spotlight
Andrea Coleman
Over these last four years, my fondest memory of high school was going to dances and laughing with friends.
I plan to continue my education at Grays Harbor College to earn my associates degree and later transfer to a four year university.
Bulldog Update #7 - Working Together
Dan Winter (Superintendent), Chris Cady (Simpson - Principal), Dan Thomas, Kyne Jensen (Simpson - Teachers). Discuss events happening during the school closure.
2020-2021 Open Enrollment
Will your child be 5 years old by August 31st? It's time to enroll in kindergarten!
Montesano School District’s open enrollment for the 2020-2021 school year begins April 27, 2020. New student enrollment may be completed online using the Skyward Family Access system. Click here to enroll online. For additional information regarding preschool and kindergarten enrollment requirements, please click here.
Please complete the online form to request a free screening to determine preschool eligibility. Enrollment applications for preschoolers are not needed at this time.
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