Montesano School District

Excellence in Education

Montesano is a community where people learn,
grow and work together.  With high-quality
instruction, every student, regardless of race, class,
language, or disability, can succeed. 

Filtering by Category: Home Page

School Supplies

Have you been looking for school supply lists to shop the back to school sales?  NO NEED………..the Montesano School District is pleased to announce each building will be purchasing school supplies for students to use at school this year.   We will not be asking families to provide school supplies.  

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The Montesano School District Office Has Moved

The Montesano School District Office has moved to its new location at 502 East Spruce Avenue, just east of the tennis courts. Demolition has begun at the old district office to prepare for the eventual move of the weight room to the old board room. Please excuse the final stages of completion to the exterior of the new building; the office is open for business and can be accessed through the front door, which faces Spruce Avenue.

Open Enrollment for 2017-2018

Will your child be 5 years old by August 31st? It's time to enroll in kindergarten!

New student enrollment may be completed online using the Skyward Family Access system. Click here to enroll online. 

A legal birth certificate and a current immunization record are required at the time of enrollment. Click here for additional information regarding preschool and kindergarten enrollment requirements or contact the Beacon Elementary office at (360) 249-4528.

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Every 32 Minutes

On Wednesday, April 12th & Thursday, April 13th, Montesano Jr/Sr High School will be participating in the Every 32 Minutes program.

The Every 32 Minutes program is widely used among law enforcement in addressing reducing teen driving fatality and serious injury.   The Region 2 Target Zero Task Force partner with emergency responders including law, fire, aid, prosecutors, coroners, Airlift Northwest, substance prevention and 911 to bring students a firsthand look at fatality collisions.  The national statistic is every 32 minutes someone is killed by an impaired driver.  

Every 32 minutes a dispatch will go over the all school intercom of an accident involving one of the preselected students who are representing victims of traffic fatalities.  A sibling or best friend of the “victim” reads an obituary they have written live over the intercom.   Meanwhile, in the classroom paramedics place the fatal student on a stretcher and covered with a white sheet.  The student is taken to a staging area and will not return to class or have access to cell phone or social media.  This continues every 32 minutes all day.  During the day a large scale mock crash will occur outside with a massive emergency response including a Airlift helicopter.  Some families will receive a visit from law enforcement and go through what would happen had their student actually been involved in a fatal accident. 

The program is completed with an all school assembly that the parents are invited to attend.  Parents speak about what that death notification was like, students speak about the experience, and real victims speak about how their lives are forever changed.  Professionals speak on how to make better choices and law enforcement speaks on consequences.  Data shows us this program is highly effective at reducing serious injury and fatal collisions in youth.  The average reduction we experience is up to 65%.  The timing of this event is during the peak season with prom, graduation, and summer months. 

Missoula Children's Theatre is Coming to Montesano!

Missoula Children’s Theatre- THE TORTOISE VERSUS THE HARE

A fresh look at a favorite story comes to Montesano on Saturday, Jan. 21st when the Missoula Children’s Theatre and more than 50 Montesano students present THE TORTOISE VERSUS THE HARE. This original musical adaptation of the classic fable will be presented at Simpson School with two performances; 3:00 and 5:30pm. THE TORTOISE VERSUS THE HARE is part of the Missoula Children's Theatre's unique international touring project and is presented locally by the Montesano School District. Tickets are $5.00 for adults, $3.00 for students and children under 5 are free.  For more information, call Pam Banks at 360.249.3942.