Montesano School District

Excellence in Education

Montesano is a community where people learn,
grow and work together.  With high-quality
instruction, every student, regardless of race, class,
language, or disability, can succeed. 

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Teacher/Staff Shout Out

Do you think your child's teacher has gone above and beyond what you expected?

Did the school secretary help you take care of something?

Was the school nurse especially kind to your child when they got sick at school?

Does the bus driver always make your child laugh?

If you would like to send a "shout out" to a teacher or another school district employee to recognize their efforts and dedication to working with the students in our school district, we are providing a link below for you to do that.  It's always nice to hear something positive.

Post a "Shout Out" to a teacher, advisor, coach - past or present - who has made a difference in your life at

Dinner Theater Production

The Montesano Jr/Sr High School Drama Club will be performing "I Don't Have a Clue" at Dinner Theater performances in March.   Productions will be on Friday, March 4 and Saturday, March 5 at 6:30 pm.  On Sunday, March 6, they will be hosting a dessert matinee at 2:00 pm.  The door will open at 6:00 pm for the dinner theater performances.  Tickets will go on sale in February.  Mark your calendars for this always fun event!

Beacon's Reading to Dogs Program Featured on King 5 News

MONTESANO, Wash. -- Every Thursday, a class of eager 3rd graders comes into the library at Beacon Elementary School for the weekly reading lesson.

Daylon picks Maggie, a mutt who doesn't like water but loves adventure stories.

Haley picks Mitsy, a 12-year-old toy poodle who promises she's listening even with her eyes shut.

Patrick walks over to Maggie, a Shetland sheep dog who prefers fiction.

There are 20 students in total who spend 15 precious minutes each week reading to the dog of his or her choice, thanks to a corps of dedicated volunteers and their canine companions.

"Reading is like playing a sport," said Marlene Vahl, a retired teacher at Beacon who started the "reading to dogs" program a couple years ago. "The more you practice the better you get. But practice is easier to do if it's fun."

Students like Daylon, Hayley and Patrick all say the same thing: They love reading to dogs more than reading alone or reading to people because the dogs just sit and listen.

"Dogs don't stop you in the middle of the story," said Haley. "By myself, it's lonely. With a dog, they just keep me comfortable."

Patrick admits he doesn't like reading alone very much; however, after he started reading to dogs at school, he found a new hobby he enjoys at home: reading to dogs.

"I think it made my skills get higher when I read to dogs," said Patrick.

The school picks students who teachers think may benefit from the program, according to teachers.

Vahl, who taught kindergarten and 2nd grade at Beacon Elementary before retiring, says she's changed her appreciation of teaching techniques after observing kids reading to dogs.

"In our eagerness as teachers and parents to make sure they're reading just right, sometimes we interrupt more than we should," said Vahl. "Sometimes it just works better if you can just let it be, and let them read and enjoy what they're reading."

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Rumor Clarification

There is a rumor going around town that there was an attempted abduction of a student near Simpson Elementary yesterday.  That is not true.  There was some concern expressed by a citizen who saw something that seemed out of the ordinary, so we spent some time yesterday investigating it to make certain there was not a danger to any of our students.  The result of that investigation is that at no time was any student in any kind of danger.  

The safety of our students is one of our primary concerns and we work very hard to make sure they are safe.  If you ever have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call either one of the buildings or the district office.

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