Montesano School District

Excellence in Education

Montesano is a community where people learn,
grow and work together.  With high-quality
instruction, every student, regardless of race, class,
language, or disability, can succeed. 

Filtering by Category: Simpson Home

April News 2020

Dear Bulldog Students and Families,

I hope this message finds you in good health and spirits. Now that we are in full swing and distance learning, I hope your family finds balance in staying connected with school and social emotional well being. I know this is a stressful time on many levels. I encourage you to stop by Ms. Wisdom’s “Counseling Corner” for some fun activities and resources. Click or type in to partake in activities that can relieve some stress!

As we are looking towards next school year, this is a reminder that any student residing out of the district must complete their annual “district choice form.” Please follow the directions in the communication so we can process them accordingly. Also, April 27th through May 1st is Parent Input Week. Since we can’t meet in person, please see our website to complete a Google Form if you choose to do so. I also encourage you to frequently check the district website as we are posting videos and answering questions during the closure of our buildings.

The building remains closed to the public through May 5th at this time. I know everyone is eager to gather belongings as they do the last day of school… I am, too. Once we are able to safely allow the public in the building, we will communicate our plan to do so. Stay tuned! If you have something essential that needs to be picked up, please contact me directly.

Please mark your calendars for our next supplemental packet roll out. The Simpson foyer will be open from May 11th through May 15th for the next “three-week” packets. We will use your feedback as we build these packets to best serve your needs. As always, please email me at if I can be of any assistance to you.

Stay safe, stay healthy and stay sharp!

Chris Cady

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December Happenings!

Tuesday, December 3rd: 
* 4th Grade Winter Concert at 6:30 p.m. (doors will open at 6:15 for all concerts)

Wednesday, December 4th:
* 5th Grade Winter Concert at 6:30 p.m.

Thursday, December 5th:
* 6th Grade Winter Concert at 6:30 p.m.
* Food Bowl Begins - ends Dec. 18th

Monday, December 9th - Friday, December 13:
FoodBowl Spirit Week
Monday- Pajama Day
Tuesday- Tie dye/Neon day
Wednesday- Wacky Wednesday
Thursday - Ugly Sweater day
Friday- Sports day

Thursday, December 12th:
*6th Grade, Nutcracker Field Trip to Seattle 8:30 a.m. - (approx.) 5 p.m.

Thursday, December 19th:
* PTO Family Fun Night, Polar Express movie night 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Simpson

Friday, December 20th:
*Bulldog of the Month Awards assembly 9:15 a.m.
* Early Release, 12:10 p.m. (all schools)

December 23 - January 3
* Winter Break - No School

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Little Bulldogs Youth Basketball 11/23 Clinic Postponed

The Little Bulldogs Youth Basketball clinic scheduled for Saturday, November 23 will be postponed to Saturday, November 30 due to the Montesano vs Deer Park football game.

 The first clinic will now be on Saturday, November 30 in the high school gym.

  • Kindergarten and 1st Grade session: 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

  • 2nd Grade – 6th Grade session:           9:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.

The additional make-up session will be announced at practice on November 30.

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Halloween Guidelines

Halloween Guidelines for Beacon Elementary and Simpson Elementary

Parents/Guardians: Please adhere to the following Halloween guidelines at school.

Class Parties

• Parties are at the discretion of the classroom teacher.

• Parties are low key events with minimal amount of food. Teachers will establish guidelines for treats that consider the school district’s nutritional guidelines and allergies of students in the class.

• Please do not send food/candy items to school without a teacher’s permission.

• All food must be purchased from a store and be sent to school in the original sealed containers or bags. Fruit that is sliced must be sliced at school.


Students may wear costumes to school on Halloween (October 31). The following rules apply:

• Students need to come to school in their costumes. Please include a comfortable alternative in their backpack in case they can no longer tolerate the costume.

• The following are NOT permitted:

• Masks

• Face paint

• Violent or inappropriate themes

• Gory or grotesque costumes

• Props (no swords, weapons, wands, false teeth, etc.)

• Costumes may not cause disruption or distraction to the school program. Costumes may not interfere with students sitting at their desks. Students must be able to wear their costume inside or outside, at recess, at P.E., on the bus, etc.

• Costumes should not interfere with the ability of a student to go to the bathroom by themselves.

• Students must wear shoes that are appropriate for school.

• The school is not responsible for costumes that are torn or damaged while at school. Please remember that students can be very physical during recess and P.E.

• Consider choosing costumes with a “Falloween” theme in which images of pumpkins and leaves replace those of witches and ghosts.

• Consider having your child dress in festive fall colors as an alternative to wearing a costume.

• If you have costumes you’d like to donate, please send them to the main office.

Remember that October 31 is considered a regular school day. The regular schedule

will be followed throughout the day unless a teacher chooses to have a class party.

Students need to come ready to be involved in learning activities.

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Highly Capable Program 

The Montesano School District is accepting referrals for our Highly Capable Program in all grades K-12 for the 2019-20 school year.

Referral forms are available in the school offices and are due back to school by Friday, September 27th.  You may also fill out the form online. Go to and click on Departments/Student Services/Highly Capable/Submit Referral. 

Please contact Julie Aldrich at 249-4331 or for more information.

*Forms turned in after the September 27th deadline will be considered for evaluation next year.   After the referral form is turned in, parents/guardians will need to give their permission by October 4th for students to be tested. If your student has been tested for Hicap the last two consecutive years, please contact Julie Aldrich at 249-4331 before referring your child for reevaluation again this year. Students already enrolled in the Hicap Program do not retest each year.

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End of the year happenings!

June 5: Pt. Grenville field trip, Mrs. Niels’s class & Mrs. Fredrickson’s class 7:30 a.m.-2:15 p.m.

June 6: Egypt Night, Simpson Gym 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Pt. Grenville field trip,Ms. Egger, Mrs. Hollatz, Mrs. Huff, & Mr. Martin 8:15 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

June 7: *Field day moved to Monday, June 10th (due to weather predictions)

June 10: Variety Show 8:45 a.m.
Field day: 3rd/5th grade, 12:00-1:10 p.m. 4th/6th grade, 1:20-2:30 p.m.

June 11: PTO Meeting, 8:30 a.m. Beacon Library
Early Release, 12:10 p.m.

June 12: Awards assembly 8:45 a.m.
Last day of school, early release 10:30 a.m.

June 19: Simpson office closes for the summer

August 28: First day of school for 2019-2020 school year

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Simpson Events!

Thursday, March 14
- Spring Pictures, Individual and Class
- Book Fair: 8:00 am - 7:00 pm, “Escape Room” Family Fun Night 6:00-7:00 pm at Beacon

Friday, March 15
- No School
- Book Fair: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Friday, March 29
- Early Release, 12:10 pm

April 1 - 5
- Spring Break, No School

April 8 - 19
- Fourth grade swimming at the Grays Harbor YMCA, 2:45 pm - 5:15 pm
(Bring a towel and swimsuit everyday and a snack to eat on the bus)

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December Events

Simpson December Events

December 4: Fourth grade winter concert @ 6:30 pm (the doors will open at 6:15 pm)

December 5: Fifth grade winter concert @ 6:30 pm

December 6: Sixth grade winter concert @ 6:30 pm

December 8: Honor choir sings at the courthouse 1:00 pm

December 11: Simpson honor choir sings at the Jr/Sr high school @ 7:30

December 13: Third grade winter concert @ 6:30 pm

December 14: Sixth grade Nutcracker field trip;  8:30 – approx. 5:00 pm

December 19: Early release at 12:10 pm and PTO Elf Academy Holiday Training 6–7 pm at Simpson

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Picture Retakes!

Picture retake day is Tuesday, November 13th.  If your student was absent or would like retakes, picture packets are available in the Simpson office.  If the student is getting retakes. be sure to have them bring back the original picture packet.  You may also order online at with the Picture Day ID: LS218163Q1.

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Highly Capable Program

The Montesano School District is accepting referrals for our Highly Capable Program in all grades K-12 for the 2018-2019 school year.

Referral forms are available in each school office and are due back to school by Friday, September 28th. You may also fill out the form online. Go to and click on Departments/Student Services/Highly Capable/Submit Referral.
Please contact Julie Aldrich at 249-4331 or for more information.

*Forms turned in after the September 28th deadline will be considered for evaluation next year.
After the referral form is turned in, parents/guardians will need to give their permission by October 5th for students to be tested. If your student has been tested for Hicap the last two consecutive years, please contact Julie Aldrich at 249-4331 before referring your child for reevaluation again this year. Students already enrolled in the Hicap Program do not retest each year.

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Sixth grade students will participate in the Healthy Youth Survey this Fall.  

The survey asks questions about risks for injury, health outcomes, and alcohol and drug use. Schools, and state and local agencies use survey results to support our youth and reduce their risks. The Healthy Youth Survey is voluntary and anonymous and provides important information to guide policy and programs that serve our youth.

Click here to read the Parent and Student Notification flyer for more information about the 2018 Healthy Youth Survey

June Golden Ticket Winners!

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 06/01/18 are:
Owen L., Kylee W., Kya H., Hudson R., Damon B., Zoe R., Samantha S., Knowles D., Xavier E.,
Caleb C., Eden I., Thor B., Vivian T., Lila R., Lainey M., Karissa O., Kendall V., Regan W., Parker W., Kyle C., Lilly D., Bailey M., Aaron T., Paige B., Cody B., William B., Joel K., Hunter G., Connor F., Roary B., Sasha L., Leilah J., Talyn P., Alyssa M., Sergio T., Alayhia B., Madelyne W.

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 06/08/18 are:
Andrew B., Kiara W., Addison P., Hunter D., Ledjar J., Haley S., Brandon W., Kevin D., Maya P., Annika G., Bentley W., Hailey G., Thomas F., Baylee F., Grady W., Sheldon W., Leilah J., Aurelia M., Henry S., Emileo R., Nevaeh L., Alex P., Gabby P., Spencer M., Christian L., Kyle C., Brian B.,
Brody T., Alyssa M., Connor F., Zach M., Kaleb S., Jaxson W., Riley B., Landon P., Cody B.

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 06/15/18 are:
Hailey B., Jordyn J., Makena B., Jasmin F., Audrey D., Hayden S., Kale S., Ryan R., Savannah W., Zack B., Chandler A., Jackson R., Zane V., Rochelle B., Myranda J., Gabe B., Addisyn R., Molly K., Kalisi C., Envayelin M., Skylar B., Ember J., Scott D., Emily S., Peyton D., Cadence C., Carolina R., Billy T., Caleb B., Rowan H., Reagan A., Lilly C., Chloe O., Kamron K., Kristina W.

June Happenings!

June 7: Egypt Night, Simpson Gym 6-7:30 p.m.

June 8: 4th grade field trip to Port of Grays Harbor
             Special Person Luncheon

June 12: Field Day (in the afternoon)
              PTO Meeting at Beacon 8:20 a.m.

June 13: Variety Show 8:45 a.m.

June 14: Awards Assembly 8:45 a.m. - Early Release 12:10 p.m.

June 15: Last day of school - Early release 10:30 a.m.

June 22: Office closes for the summer!

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