Montesano School District

Excellence in Education

Montesano is a community where people learn,
grow and work together.  With high-quality
instruction, every student, regardless of race, class,
language, or disability, can succeed. 

Filtering by Category: Simpson Home

January Golden Ticket Winners

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 01/06/17 are:
Maddix B., Hayden S., Jasmin F., Addisyn M., Jordyn J., Vanna P., Hanna R., Aurelia M., Jaiden K., McKynnlie D., Donny B., Dekotah P., Chloe O., Bode P., Shane G., Maria C., Cheyenne M., Carlos P., Bindi V., Mady R.

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 01/13/17 are:
Baylee F., Ethan L., Emma G., Carolyn F., Zackery B., Regan W., Colton S., Haydenn S., Leilah J., Kole K., Reagan A., Emma C., Carter A., Maddix B., Reese H., Tupper C., Alex P., Hailee G., 
Mikayla S., Elizabeth Y., Carter C., Peyton D., Leone D., Madison L., Jacob C., Isaac S., Mya P., Kennedy M., Gabe P., Isac S.

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 01/20/17 are:
Nikkole C., Ashlynn F., Emily W., Jasmin F., Wesson W., Ezra G., Talan P., Lilly C., Bode P., Esthefany V., Hailey G., Lilly C., Kole K., Zack B., Lila W., Rhylie C., Masen A., Ava C., Faith M., Reghann F., Mason F., Grayden P., Luke M., Chloe O., Faith R.

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 01/27/17 are:
Jackson R., Jack P., Aaron T., Alannah H., Shane G., Alex P., Hannah B., Audree D., Olivia R.,
Chase T., Zack L., Aubrey F., Samantha R., Alli M., Mason M., Sam M., Zak D., Tristan S., Spencer M., Reid P., Kendall V., Kayla R., Keira M., Hailey M.

Winter Concerts

Simpson Elementary winter concert schedules are as follows:

Monday, December 12th - 3rd Grade Concert

Tuesday, December 13th - 5th Grade & Honor Choir Concert

Wednesday, December 14th - 6th Grade & Drumming Concert

Thursday, December 15th - 4th Grade Concert

All concerts will be held in the Simpson gym and are scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m. Doors will open at 6:15 p.m.  We hope to see you all there!

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Food Bowl Spirit Week!

Simpson ASB officers are encouraging staff and students to participate in the food bowl spirit week, December 5-9. In order for students to dress up, they need to bring a non-perishable food item or cash donation. There will be a class competition for the class who collects the most food/money. Students may dress up accordingly for the following days:

Monday: Pajama Day/Crazy Hair Day

Tuesday: Crazy Hat Day

Wednesday: College Day

Thursday: Dress Alike Day

Friday: Class Color Day - wear your class color:
3rd grade: Red
4th grade: Black
5th grade: Purple
6th grade: Blue

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November Golden Ticket Winners

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 11/04/16 are:
Spencer M., Emerson B., Shane G., Jack H., Carlos P., Reagan A., Leihla J., Hailey M., Sebastian S., Carolina R., Kendall V., Ashlynn F., Brady W., Cooper D., Addisyn M., Sergio T., Jordyn J., 
Envayelin M., Lucas D., Cheyanne T., Rossi N., Paige B., Gavin L., Graycen G.

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 11/10/16 are:
Rufus K., Maddix B., Danny S., Jayvin P., JJ M., Jasmin F., Hailey G., Daunte H., Billy T., Scott D., Kaylynn V., Travis B., Alex B., Cadence C., Madison R., Amelia H., Dekotah P., Madison L., Olivia R., Aiden A., Zackery B., Kyler H., Talan T., Emily S., Samantha S.

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 11/18/16 are:
Ethan Y., Emma G., Elijah B., Myranda J., Grayden R., Jayvin P., Wyatt L., Kyler H., Daunte H.,
Aurelia M., Royce G., Nolan S., Willobelle V., Jack H., Zackery B., Ruby J., Owen L., Isac M., Luke R., Halen C.

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 11/23/16 are:
Bailey M., Ember J., Regan W., Jasmin F., Envayelin A., Ava P., Kai H., Jackson G., Sheldon W., Haylee H., Kinslee D., Peyton D., Reid P., Savannah S., Mikayla S., Alisyn P., Paige B., Trenton S., Mason F., Rufus K., Kona C., Madelyne W., Jayvin P., Kayla R., Madi V.


October Golden Ticket Winners

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 10/07/16 are:
Jacob H., Reghann F., Hailey M., Riviera N., Rufus K., Henry H., Daunte H., Alex P., Kolby R.,
Jasmin F., Ariana B., Olivia R. Jacob C., Savannah S., Bianca G., Clara R., Ruby J., Paige M., Bailey M., Carsyn W.

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 10/13/16 are:
Ava U., Jasmin F., Jack P., Addisyn M., Alex P., Parker W., Hailey G., Chloe O., Brodi B., Brenden S., James B., Clara R., Nolan S., Bailey M., Kennedy M., Xeviea M., Zakary D., Isac M., Jayvin P., 
Cayden D.

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 10/21/16 are:
Jessan S., Jacob H., Hanna R., Hailey M., Casey L., Kona C., Olivia R., Tierra C., Isaac S., Nolan S., Thomas F., Jadyn M., Jackson G., Esthefany V., Toren C., Addisyn M., Kaieghlub B., Danny S.,
Grady W., Jackson B.

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 10/28/16 are:
Kaden S., Emily W., Zane V., Jayvin P., Maddix B., Kysen W., Kaesen S., Kayla S., Evanjillie D., Esthefany V., Madison M., Hailee G., Emma G., Carlos P., Savannah S., Logan E., Mikayla S.,
Envayelin M., Ashlynn F., Cooper D., Porter H.

September Golden Ticket Winners!

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 9/02/16 are:
Nolan S., Casey L., Adam S., Savanah W., Bailey M., Porter H., Isaiah B., Parker W., Mason M., 
Jacob H., Masen A., Spencer M., Kolie B., Travis B., Zakary D., Camille L., Rufus K., Emily W.,
Wesson W., Wyatt G.

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 9/09/16 are:
Madeline K., Mason F., Alyssa M., Alli M., JJ N., McKenzie M., Catherine P., Tho'mas M., Carter A., Christian L., Kyle C., Kadynce M., Bianca G., Regan W., Jasmin F., Alex P., Ava P., Bailey F.,
Jackson B., Aric J.

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 9/16/16 are:
Olivia R., Hudson R., Hailey B., Adam S., Emileo R., Jesse B., Henry H., Leilah J., Riley W., Mateo S., Mckynnlie D., Sebastian S., Rhylie C., Gabriel P., Carsyn W., Kolie B., Addison P., Jasmin F., Ember J., Zak D.

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 9/23/16 are:
Ruby J., Hailey B., Ashlynn F., Jordyn J., Jayden M., Jeremiah K., Samantha Y., Aubrey F., Wyatt G., Thomas F., Alexis B., Carolyn F., Mason F., Ryder G., Emily M., Ava U., Carolina R., Jessie L.

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 9/30/16 are:
Zach L., Dakota B., Trenton S., Regan W., Carly K., Kendall M., Baylee F., Parker W., Chloe O., Rochelle B., Liam E., Denali H., Kadynce M., Carlos P., Brook J., Skylar C., Sheldon W., Toby B., Connor F., Wesson W., Faith C.

Highly Capable Program

Simpson Elementary will be offering the Highly Capable Program for students in grades 3-6 for the 2016-17 school year. If you would like to refer a student for evaluation for this program, please complete the linked pdf form and return it to our school office by Friday, October 7th. Referrals turned in after the deadline will be considered for the following year.

Highly Capable Program Referral form, pdf

Washington State 2016 Healthy Youth Survey

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Our district is participating in the Washington State 2016 Healthy Youth Survey during the weeks of October 10th – 21st.

The Healthy Youth survey includes questions related to physical activity and diet, unintentional and intentional injury, substance use, risk and protective factors, access to school-based services, and sexual behaviors, abuse and orientation. Survey results are used by schools, communities and state agencies to plan programs to support our youth and reduce their risks.

The Healthy Youth Survey is given to students in grades 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 across Washington State.

Participation in the survey is voluntary and the students’ answers are anonymous.

Please read the Parent and Student Notification flyer for more information about the Healthy Youth Survey.  

June Golden Ticket Winners

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 6/03/16 are:
Samantha V., Landon P., Maria C., Paige M., Carson D., Tyler J., Reid P., Aydin M., Alannah H., 
Kylee F., Katie P., Mason E., Sequoyah S., Nick C., Matthew C., Sam M., Cooper C., Terra B., Gabe B., Joey W.

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 6/10/16 are:
Lilli T., Peyton D., Micah A., Bailey S., James B., Jaici S., JJ N., Marlana F., Nick C., Katie P., Iza C., Dakota B., Carter C., Kayla S., Kaleb A., Reese H., Thela W., Maria C., Alli M., Landon P.

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 6/16/16 are:
Lara C., Jessika R., Isaiah P., Cody B., Ava C., Daunte H., Jacob S., Envayelin A., James B., Katie P., Kylee F., Kassidy P., Emma S., Amaya S., Cheyanne T., Pierce G., Samantha V., Jesse C., Frankie B., Carlos P.

June Happenings!

June 2: Last day of After School Program
             Band concert at Simpson 7:00 p.m.

June 3: Volunteer tea, band concert 2:00 p.m.

June 6: Sixth grade to tour jr. high 1:00-2:00 p.m.

June 9: Talent show 8:30-10:15 a.m.
             Family luncheon
             4th grade Recess: 10:50 Lunch: 11:10-11:30
             5th grade Recess: 11:10   Lunch: 11:30-11:50
             6th grade Recess: 11:30  Lunch: 11:50-12:10

June 10: Fifth grade field trip Lake Sylvia (Ms. Egger/Mrs. Hollatz classes) 9:30-2:30

June 11: Sports physicals at Montesano Internal Medicine 8:30-11:30 a.m.

June 13: Move up day

June 14: Field day (during specialists) 

June 15: Awards assembly 8:45 a.m. - Early release 12:10 p.m.

June 16: Last day of school - Early release 10:30 a.m.

June 23: Office closes

May Golden Ticket Winners

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 05/06/16 are:
Amaya S., Tanner H., Allison M., Jayden M., Victor H., Tyce P., Ruby J., Mikayla S., Gabe B., Maria C., Pierce G., Ellie R., Cody C., Graycen G., Danica B., Paige M., Sierra B., Luke L., Kristina W., Asha H.

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 05/13/16 are:
Donnovan H., Evan G., Sandro C., Tyce P., Pierce G., Cody B., Landon P., Reid P., Mikayla S., Ruby J., Cory H., Anabelle E., Sophia C., Josh W., Thor K., Sierra B., Fischer C., Envayelin M., Shane G.,
Leone D., Shyann Q.

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 05/20/16 are:
Amaya S., Jack H., Gypsy P., Maddie G., Keenan L., Skylar B., Riley T., Jacob S., Peyton D.,
Carsyn W., Shaelyn M., Landree D., Madi C., Landon P., Graycen G., Dalton H., Eli B., Kendall M., Jayden M., Nick C.

The golden ticket winners for the week ending 05/26/16 are:
Mikayla S., Reid P., Terra B., Riley T., David M., Kaleb H., Gypsy P., Roree W., Tyler J., Kassidy P., Kenny K., Anna P., Paige L., Jaici S., Georgia G., Reese H., Elijah B., Jayden M., Trent A., Iza C.