Seniors and Senior Families,
The forecast has been moving in the wrong direction and looking at tomorrow’s anticipated rainfall, we have made the decision to move the ceremony inside the Bo Griffith Memorial Gymnasium.
Seniors: you will check in at the back side of the gym (the exterior entrance closest to the weight room) at 1:30PM. Reminder: we’d like to leave the student parking lot open to your guests, so please park in the lots by the tennis courts and also use the staff parking if necessary. Also, remember which side of the gym you were sitting on during practice yesterday. That is the same side you’ll be sitting on tomorrow, so you can tell your guests which bleachers to be in.
The HS gym foyer doors will open at 1:15PM. Guests will check in through the front doors, where they will give their name to the greeter. Please remember that masks are required at this school event.
Click here for the livestream link of the graduation ceremony.
We are excited for tomorrow! Congratulations, Bulldogs!
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We are so excited for tomorrow’s SENIOR AWARDS RECOGNITION NIGHT. The event will start at 6:30PM in the HS gym. In addition to announcing award winners and scholarship recipients, this event is a great time for the senior class to come together for a night of memories. We are pleased to be holding this traditional event in-person this year. Each senior is allowed 4 guests. Masks are required at this school sponsored event. For those unable to attend, the event will be live-streamed. Click here to view the live-steam link.
CLASS OF 2021!
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Seniors and Senior Families:
Here we are in what could easily be classified as crunch time for graduation. We are very concerned that if a senior was exposed to COVID after Sunday and had to quarantine from a close contact at school, that senior would be excluded from graduation on the 13th. We would like to give you, as senior parents and students, the option over the next seven school days to keep your student at home for online classes to prevent the potential exposure and quarantine. We still plan on having all the in-person events for seniors and no student who chooses not to come to school in the next few days would be excluded from those events.
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This is the most exciting time of year for our SENIORS! Graduation is quickly approaching. Here are some upcoming events which seniors can look forward to:
Wednesday, 6/9 Senior Picnic (seniors must attend picnic or school)
Wednesday, 6/9, 6:30PM *Baccalaureate (MHS Commons)
Thursday, 6/10 SENIORS ONLY - NO SCHOOL!
Friday, 6/11, 10:00AM Senior Breakfast, 10:30AM Grad Practice (stadium)
Sunday, 6/13, 2:00PM *Class of 2021 Graduation
*Senior events that include guests will allow 4 guests per senior. For the graduation ceremony, the seniors must submit their guest names to the HS Office no later than Wednesday, June 9.
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Three new life saving AED machines were purchased for Montesano Jr-Sr. High School in memory of Mr. Denholm. Funds for the AED machines were donated to honor Mr. Denholm and his legacy to the school district. Through community generosity, there are two new devices in MHS as well as a portable device that was provided to the Athletic Trainer to be used during sporting events. Thank you to all the generous donors in our community.
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We have updated the spectator guidelines for Season 3 Sporting Events which includes HS Boys and Girls Basketball and Wrestling.
Basketball & Wrestling
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Congratulations to the following seniors on their college signing: Nathan Johnson (golf), Jessica Stanfield (softball) & Brooke Streeter (soccer)!
Go Bulldogs!
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There will be changes coming to our schedule. Following our return from Spring Break on April 12, students will be on campus 5 days a week, Monday-Friday.
Please read the attached Bulldog Update, and contact the High School Office at 360-249-4041 with any questions.
Bulldog Update #10 - March 31
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We have updated the spectator guidelines for Season 2 Sporting Events which includes Track and Field, Boys Soccer, Fastpitch, Baseball, Girls Golf and Tennis.
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Due to scheduling conflicts with end-of-the-year athletic events, we have made the difficult decision to move graduation from Saturday, June 12 (1:00PM) to Sunday, June 13 (2:00PM). This change will accommodate senior athletes participating in those events. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause to families. Thank you for your patience during this extraordinary year.
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A COVID-19 student survey was created by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), the Washington State Department of Health (DOH), Health Care Authority (HCA), and the Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences in the University of Washington School of Medicine (UW) to help capture the thoughts, feelings and behaviors of students during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This survey asks questions about mental and physical health, hope, social support from peers and adults, thoughts and feelings pertaining to school during the COVID-19 pandemic, attitudes towards and use of alcohol, marijuana and other drugs, and COVID-19 precautions.
This 25 minute survey is anonymous, voluntary and administered to students in grades 6-12. It will be given to students at Montesano Jr/Sr High School on March 24th during 1st period. Students have the ability to skip individual questions or the survey altogether. Please contact the HS Office at 360.249.4041 if you have any questions or concerns.
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JV Football will be playing @ Shelton tonight at 6:30PM.
Departure time is 4:30PM.
Each player is allowed two guests.
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There will be a Junior High Football Parent/Coaches meeting TONIGHT at 7:00 PM via Zoom. The zoom link can be found below. We will be discussing practice times/schedule, mask regulations, after school "housing" for students who cannot get home and back, gear protocol, and Final Forms clearance requirements. More information may be added to the agenda but this is what our general discussion will revolve around. Questions will be answered after we have discussed the initial topics. If you are unable to attend the parent meeting, a packet will be available for players to pick up after school today in Coach Grajek’s room 303 (high school side).
We will have our first practice on Wednesday, March 17th @ 3:00PM and will be handing out gear as well. Temperature checks will begin at the Junior High Gym @ 2:45PM everyday.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Coach Grajek @ .
Zoom Link for meeting:
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Montesano will play @ Black Hills next Friday, March 19 at 7:00PM. Each football player/cheer member will be allowed to purchase up to 3 tickets each. Tickets are $6 and will go on sale Monday, March 15 at 10:00AM through Wednesday, March 17 at 3:00PM. Any tickets not sold by this time will be opened to the public, first come-first served. Tickets must be purchased at the Montesano HS Office. Tickets are $6 each, cash or check only. Tickets are required for entry to this event. Again, football players and cheer members will be allowed first option to purchase tickets for their guests.
*Total tickets for sale = 200.
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Junior High Football will begin on Wednesday, March 17. Practice is at 3:00PM.
All athletes/guardians need to make sure their athletic forms have been submitted. Click here to go the Final Forms page. Additionally, a sports physical is required. Physicals are valid for two years.
Please contact the Athletic Office for additional information.
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Please note the following schedule change for this week’s varsity football game:
Saturday, March 6 - Montesano Varsity Football will be playing La Center at Woodland High School. Game time is 1:00PM. (This is a change from the previously scheduled game for Friday, March 5.)
Click here to go to the MHS Calendar.
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Girls Soccer: Beginning 2/22/2021
1. VISITING VARSITY uniformed players may have two (2) guests each.
2. HOME JV & VARSITY uniformed players may have two (2) guests each.
3. Admission is FREE!
4. Guests must sign in.
5. Wellness screening/attestation protocol is required for entry. Guests with COVID-19 symptoms are prohibited from attending.
6. Following safety protocols, including physical distancing, and proper mask wearing is required at all times.
7. Locker rooms are off limits. Home and away teams and officials are required to show up at the game site dressed ready for competition.
8. No concessions will be available.
9. Restrooms will be open & accessible for all participants, contest personnel, and guests.
10. Teams will be on opposite sides of the field
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For the remainder of the 2021 school year, any inclement weather which may affect the regular school schedule will result in a remote learning day for all students. Please refer to your student(s) school’s remote learning plan.
Montesano Jr/Sr High School will use the half day (Wednesday) schedule, which starts at 9:00AM, for any inclement weather announcements by the District.
Click here to go to our Hybrid In-Person/Remote Learning Schedule.
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