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Class of 2019 Senior Panoramic Picture
Seniors: Mark your calendars! The Senior Walk and Panoramic Picture will be Tuesday, May 7th. Seniors need to arrive in the Commons by 9:00AM. We will be departing for Simpson School at 9:15AM for the Senior Walk and Assembly. You will return to MHS immediately afterwards for the Class of 2019 panoramic picture at 10:30AM. Make sure your tassel is on your cap, and your gowns should be out of the bags and hanging to help reduce wrinkles. Order forms were mailed home. We have extra forms in the Office.
Read MoreThe Every 32 Minutes
On Tuesday, April 16th & Wednesday, April 17th, Montesano Jr/Sr High School will be participating in the Every 32 Minutes program.
The Every 32 Minutes program is widely used among law enforcement in addressing reducing teen driving fatality and serious injury. The Region 2 Target Zero Task Force partner with emergency responders including law, fire, aid, prosecutors, coroners, Airlift Northwest, substance prevention and 911 to bring students a firsthand look at fatality collisions. The national statistic is every 32 minutes someone is killed by an impaired driver.
Read MorePotential School Threat
Montesano Police Department, acting on information from a student, began an investigation of a potential threat during Spring Break. Click here to view the press release from the Police Department.
Read More3rd Quarter Ends Friday
Quarter 3 ends Friday, March 29th. Grades will be posted in Skyward Family Access next week. To log in, visit our school website at
Read More2019 Senior Calendar of Events
Weather Make-Up Day - School in Session March 1st
Reminder: Due to our snow day earlier this month, we will now be having school on Friday, March 1ST. This day was specifically built into the calendar to accommodate a weather day.
Montesano Jr/Sr High School is currently in the process of conducting a lockdown DRILL at MHS. This drill is being done to assist our staff and students in practicing the appropriate lockdown and safety procedures in the event of a real intruder emergency on campus. Your student's safety is our priority. Thank you for supporting Montesano schools!
Read MoreRegistration Information Sessions for 8th Grade Parents (2019-2020 School Year)
We have rescheduled the high school registration information sessions for parents of current 8th grade students. These sessions will assist parents in understanding course choices for the 2019-2020 school year. We will help answer questions about pathways, grade and graduation requirements and other class offerings.
Two sessions will be offered on Tuesday, February 19th.
Session 1: 10:00 – 11:00AM
Session 2: 6:00 – 7:00PM
All sessions will be in the MHS Library.
Read More*Postponed* District Basketball Games
The Girls and Boys District Basketball games schedule for this evening have been postponed. Future games times to be determined.
Read MoreEarly Weather Dismissal *TODAY* 1:50PM
Due to the increasing snow and weather conditions, we will be releasing student drivers immediately. Additionally, we will be releasing all other students at 1:50PM.
Read More**Update** Girls' District Basketball Game Tonight POSTPONED
The Girls’ District basketball game vs. La Center has been moved to Monday night at 6:00PM at the Bo Griffith Memorial Gymnasium here at MHS.
Read More*Game Time Change* Girls' Basketball Districts Friday Night
The Girls’ District Basketball game time Friday night vs. La Center has been changed to 6:00PM. The game will be played at the Bo Griffith Memorial Gymnasium in Montesano.
Read MoreNo Jr/Sr High Conferences this Week
Reminder: While Beacon and Simpson schools are on early release this Thursday and Friday for conferences, the Jr/Sr High School is on regular schedule. We will not be releasing early.
Read MoreSemester One Report Cards
Report cards for the first semester are now available in Skyward Family Access. To log in, visit our school website at You’ll need your Login ID and password. In Family Access, click on the tab “Portfolio”. In this section you’ll see 2018/2019 Semester 1 Report Card.
If you need assistance with your Skyward Family Access login, please contact the HS Office at 360.249.4041.
Read More8th Grade Washington State History
Dear 8th Grade Parents,
Beginning with the second semester of this year, all 8th-grade students will be taking a semester of Washington State History. This change to our courses and sequence of classes is a result of a realignment to our social studies course offerings. Currently, all 9th graders take Washington State History for one semester and Digitools for one semester with each earning a .5 credit. Beginning with the second semester of this year and beyond, Washington State History will move to the junior high. In the short term, Mrs. Diaz has offered to assist in transitioning all current 8th graders so that as ninth graders their course options will be opened to pursue other classes. This transition will begin with the start of the second semester this year.
We are planning to make this move as seamless as possible for your student. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the HS Office at 360.249.4041.
Read MoreRegistration Information Sessions for Parents (2019-2020 School Year)
In February, MHS will be holding high school registration information sessions for parents of current 8th – 11th grade students. These sessions will assist parents in understanding course choices for the 2019-2020 school year. We will help answer questions about pathways, grade and graduation requirements and other class offerings.
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