Montesano School District

Excellence in Education

Montesano is a community where people learn,
grow and work together.  With high-quality
instruction, every student, regardless of race, class,
language, or disability, can succeed. 

Filtering by Category: Jr. Sr. High Home

Comfort Donations Accepted for California Wildfire Victims

A generous Montesano community member is collecting comfort donations for the residents of Northern California affected by the wildfires. His goal is to get 500 blankets, sleeping bags, and pillows. He will be loading his truck on November 27th and transporting the donations on November 29th. If you would like to donate , please bring your items to the High School Office.

Financial Aid Night for Senior Parents

Parents of Seniors, Class of 2019:

There will be a Financial Aid Night at Montesano High School in room 307 on Monday, October 29th, from 5:00 to 6:30PM.  A representative from the Grays Harbor College Financial Aid Office will answer questions, walk you through the process, and help get you started or finished with the FAFSA form. If you are planning to attend, please bring your FAFSA ID (if you have one), your 2017 tax information, and you will need to know your son or daughter’s social security number.

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MHS Parent-Teacher Conferences on November 8th

Our Fall Conferences will take place on Thursday, November 8th

This year, we will be using the Skyward Family Access Conference Scheduler.  The scheduling window for the Montesano Jr/Sr High School conferences is Monday, October 22nd through Wednesday, November 7th.  All conferences must be scheduled during this window.  Again, conferences will take place on Thursday, November 8th from 1:00-5:00PM and 6:00-8:00PM.

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Chicken Pox

A student at Montesano Jr/Sr High School has recently been diagnosed with Chicken Pox. This is a good reminder for all parents to check your student’s vaccinations to make sure they are up-to-date. Please report any Chicken Pox symptoms to our school nurse for evaluation.

Healthy Youth Survey

Our school will participate in the Healthy Youth Survey this Fall.  

The survey asks questions about risks for injury, health outcomes, and alcohol and drug use. Schools, and state and local agencies use survey results to support our youth and reduce their risks. The Healthy Youth Survey is voluntary and anonymous and provides important information to guide policy and programs that serve our youth.

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Bulldog Attendance Reminder

Welcome Back Bulldogs!

Attendance is important for your success at MHS!

Please remember that excused absences are limited to one of the following:

  • Illness (Doctor’s note after three days)

  • Medical appointments

  • Bereavement

  • Family Emergency

  • Religious related events

In the event that travel is necessary while school is in session, please contact the Attendance desk, at 360.249.1634, to request a  Pre-Excused Absence Form.  Requests MUST be made at least 1 week prior to absence.

We are looking forward to an exciting, new year...Go Dogs!

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2018-2019 Annual Student Information Update (current students only)

The Annual Student Information Update for the 2018-2019 school year will open on Monday, August 13th.  This required annual update is for returning students only (including incoming 7th graders from Simpson School) and is 100% online through Skyward Family Access.  (Students NEW to the Montesano School District should go to New Student Enrollment on the Montesano Jr/Sr High Website.)

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Guest Speaker (Sophomores & Juniors)

On Wednesday, April 18th, the Montesano High School Sophomores and Juniors taking Modern World History or U.S. History II will have an opportunity to attend a presentation on the Holocaust.  Students in these two classes study World War II as a major part of the content of both courses.  This year we have an opportunity for a guest speaker to come and give a presentation on her family’s experience with the Holocaust and the impact it has had on her life. We hope that by listening to someone with a personal connection to this tragedy his/her story, it will create a meaningful learning experience for our students.  

Parents and community members are invited to attend an evening presentation on Tuesday, April 17th, from 6:30-7:30 PM in the Montesano High School Library.  Please contact MHS or your child’s teacher if you have any questions.

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Montesano High School Letter of Intent/Signing Day

The Montesano High School Letter of Intent/Signing Day will be Friday, April 20th at 9:30AM in the MHS Commons.  If your student-athlete-musician-other has received a letter of intent, we would like to help you celebrate their achievement.  Your student needs to notify the Office and let us know if they would like to attend this event and if so, what and who are they are signing for.  And you are welcome to come celebrate their achievements with them on April 20th!

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