Montesano School District

Excellence in Education

Montesano is a community where people learn,
grow and work together.  With high-quality
instruction, every student, regardless of race, class,
language, or disability, can succeed. 

Filtering by Category: Jr. Sr. High Home

MHS Hall of Fame - 2018 Inductees

This past weekend, Montesano hosted the MHS Hall of Fame.  The 2018 inductees were as follows:

· Alumni Allan Mustard, Class of 1973 & Dr. Louise Baxter, Class of 1977

· Teacher Rick Bergholz

· Female Athlete Joely Eilers, Class of 1987

· Male Athlete Adam Bighill, Class of 2007

· 1998 State Championship Girls Softball Team

Congratulations and Go Dogs!

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Guest Speakers coming to MHS

On Tuesday, March 27th, we will be having the following guest speakers at MHS:

High School Presentation:

Drew McDaniel, Director of Columbia Wellness, and Alice Larsen, Manager of Grays Harbor Crisis Clinic will be discussing the suicide prevention presentation, 5 for Life.  This presentation will occur in history classes.  Not all students will be able to attend due to time and space requirements, but if you would like your child to attend the presentation, please have your son or daughter contact the high school office at 360.249.4041.  We will have additional counselors available during and after the presentation if students need to talk or would like more resources from Columbia Wellness.

Junior High Presentation:

Detective Jay Staton and Chief of Police Brett Vance from the Montesano Police Department will be discussing social media and sharing pictures in the digital world.  They will be accompanied by prosecuting attorneys from Grays Harbor County.  The main goal of the presentation is to educate students on the dangers of posting and/or sharing inappropriate pictures with one another and on the internet.  The presentation will take place in their English classroom.  With access to technology growing in and out of school, we feel it is important to work with parents to educate our students on using media in a safe and educational manner.  If you have questions or concerns about your child attending this presentation, please call our high school office at 360.249.4041.

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Yearbook Senior Ad Pages

The senior ad pages for the Yearbook are selling fast!  If you plan on purchasing an ad for your Senior, start by downloading the THIS FORM and submitting it to Buffy in the Bookkeeping Office.  This will hold your space.  Half pages are $125, and full page ads are $200. The deadline to submit your pictures and text for these ads is Wednesday, January 5th!  Don’t delay ~ reserve your space today!

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Financial Aid Night for Senior Parents

Wednesday, October 18th, we will be having Financial Aid Night for Senior parents at 5:30PM in room 309.  Representatives from Grays Harbor College Financial aid office will be on hand to help answer your questions regarding the FAFSA. It does not matter what college your son or daughter is attending, they will work with everyone to help them through the FAFSA process. We hope you'll join us!

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Tami Herzog, a 1982 Elma High School Graduate and a Montesano High School Counselor, has recently been diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma Cancer and Bone Marrow Cancer. In honor of Tami and others who are in need of a stem cell transplant, Montesano's FFCLA will be partnering with Elma's FFA to put on a Be The Match at this year's Monte vs. Elma rival football game October 27th.

Come out and watch some great football and become part of the international bone marrow registry! 

Educational Effectiveness Survey Parent Online Survey

This survey will provide our staff and leadership valuable information and feedback about of school environment.  The survey results will be used to create building and administration goals.

  • Parents will choose their preferred language (English or Spanish) before completing the rest of the survey.
  •  The survey will take no more than 10 minutes to complete
  •   The survey window will close upon completion.

MSD Highly Capable Program

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Your student has the option to be evaluated for the Montesano School District Highly Capable (Hi-Cap) Program. This program serves students in grades K-12. If your student qualifies, the services received will vary depending on his/her particular academic needs and grade level; all students will have an individual plan in place. In grades K-6, Hi-Cap students will receive differentiated instruction in their regular classrooms and participate in a weekly Extended Learning Program. In the Jr. Sr. High, students may have opportunities such as differentiated or accelerated instruction in their math and English classes, advanced placement/honors classes, Running Start, and academic consultation from the Highly Capable Coordinator.

Qualifying for the Hi-Cap Program is based on multiple parameters, including a standardized test, teacher ratings, and a compilation of student achievement data including state and district assessments. Final selection is determined by a Multidisciplinary Selection Committee. Your permission is needed to release your student from class to participate in the testing. Please fill out the permission form below and return it to your child’s school office by Friday, October 6th. Students with permission slips returned after the deadline will be considered for evaluation the following year. Testing for the Hi-Cap Program will be scheduled during October and early November.  Because we evaluate students in every grade (K-12), the process takes a significant amount of time to complete.    

Qualifying letters will be sent home after the evaluation period. If your child qualifies for the Highly Capable Program, your permission will need to be given for participation. A letter will also be sent home to families of students who do not qualify based on the evidence collected. You may request an appeal. As part of the appeals process, the committee will complete a data review for accuracy, consider any anomalies, and determine if the student will be retested. If the student still does not qualify, the team will recommend possible extended learning opportunities within the general education setting.

Our Highly Capable Program’s Appeals Process and Exit Policy are located on the reverse side of this form. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Thank you for your assistance.

Julie Aldrich, Highly Capable Program Coordinator


Full letter and Permission Form, PDF