Montesano School District

Excellence in Education

Montesano is a community where people learn,
grow and work together.  With high-quality
instruction, every student, regardless of race, class,
language, or disability, can succeed. 

Filtering by Category: Jr. Sr. High Home

Senior Awards/Recognition Night!

Tomorrow night is the “Senior Awards / Recognition Night” at  6:30PM in the High School Gym.  In addition to Academic awards, scholarships will be awarded at this time.    This is an opportunity for you to come and celebrate with us in recognizing our senior’s accomplishments as scholarships will not be read at graduation.  However, they will be listed in the graduation program.

There will be a slide show highlighting their childhood and growth here in the Montesano School District.  We look forward to seeing you!

Seniors' Schedule June 6th - June 10th

This is the final week at MHS for the SENIORS!  

Here is their schedule for the week:

  • Monday  Normal schedule.  There will be finals in some classes.  The High School Spring Sports Awards are at 7:00PM.
  • Tuesday  HS Academic Awards Assembly at 9:15AM.  There will be finals in some classes.  The Senior Awards/Recognition Night will be at 6:30PM in the HS gym.
  • Wednesday  Senior picnic.  If a senior is not attending the picnic, he/she is required to be in class.  Baccalaureate is at 7:00PM in the HS Commons.
  • Thursday  NO SCHOOL (seniors only)
  • Friday  Senior check-out is 8:20-9:30AM. (All seniors must check out.)  Senior breakfast is 9:30-10:30AM.  Graduation practice is 10:30-11:30AM.  (All seniors must attend practice.)

Washington Business Week

A unique program is returning to Montesano High School  February 22-26 for our junior students. For one full and exciting week, junior students and some faculty members will be engaged in a non-traditional discovery learning experience called Washington Business Week.  

Small “companies” of students will operate their own business for eight virtual quarters, solving the problems small businesses encounter with growth, production, and demand.  Through our hands-on approach, students will gain a vision of how math, science, English, technology, history, art and other curriculum will apply to their life after high school.  In turn, they may be more inclined to excel in these subjects once they have actually applied them to these “real life” situations.

A businessperson from the Grays Harbor area will mentor each student company as they move to compete against the other student companies.  Competitions include a business simulation, a marketing and stockholder’s presentation and a Trade Show.  By the fifth day, Friday afternoon, each student will have:

·         A real world understanding of business and America’s free enterprise system;

·         An appreciation of how to apply what they learn in school to the “real world” workplace;

·         Improved leadership and teamwork skills - - making each student a better Montesano team player and a better future employee and/or employer;

·         An enhanced understanding of the importance of a diverse workforce; and

·         Increased self-confidence.

The Montesano School District and the Kelsey Foundation have joined forces to make this exceptional experience possible.  The success of the Business Week program depends heavily on strong community support.   Your help is needed to make the program an overall success and to help your student get the most from this great opportunity.  Suggestions for your help include:

·         Talking with your student about their experiences at the end of the day and encourage them to take an active part in all of the activities;

·         Volunteering to be a Company Advisor for a team of students or a Judge of the student projects at the end of the week; and/or

·         Making a donation to support the program budget.

For more information or questions please contact April Pocklington, Montesano School District at 360-249-1640 or

Teacher/Staff Shout Out

Do you think your child's teacher has gone above and beyond what you expected?

Did the school secretary help you take care of something?

Was the school nurse especially kind to your child when they got sick at school?

Does the bus driver always make your child laugh?

If you would like to send a "shout out" to a teacher or another school district employee to recognize their efforts and dedication to working with the students in our school district, we are providing a link below for you to do that.  It's always nice to hear something positive.

Post a "Shout Out" to a teacher, advisor, coach - past or present - who has made a difference in your life at


Dinner Theater Production

The Montesano Jr/Sr High School Drama Club will be performing "I Don't Have a Clue" at Dinner Theater performances in March.   Productions will be on Friday, March 4 and Saturday, March 5 at 6:30 pm.  On Sunday, March 6, they will be hosting a dessert matinee at 2:00 pm.  The door will open at 6:00 pm for the dinner theater performances.  Tickets will go on sale in February.  Mark your calendars for this always fun event!

2015-2016 Food Bowl Schedule of Events

The Food Bowl season has arrived. Once again, Montesano High School is competing against Elma High School to see which school can raise the most money and food to support our local food banks. Food Bowl begins Friday, December 4 and ends Tuesday, December 15.

Even more than last year, the need for food in our community is at an all-time high. Any support you are willing to give is greatly appreciated. Monetary donations allow the food bank to buy food at a lower cost.  It’s also more advantageous in the competition because each dollar is worth two pounds.  Your support of this worthy community event is very much appreciated.  

We have scheduled many events to help with raising money for Food Bowl that we think will be a lot of fun as well as help the Montesano Food Bank.  To see the calendar of events, please click on the following link:

Food Bowl Calendar of Events

Remember, the real winners are the Food Banks and everyone they help in our communities.   





School conferences for the Jr/Sr High School are scheduled for Thursday, November 5.  These conferences are not scheduled but on a first come, first served basis.  If you are interested in meeting with your child’s teachers regarding their grades, please stop in between the hours of 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

Report cards will not be mailed out but will be available on Skyward Family Access by Tuesday, November 3.

Because of school conferences, the Jr/Sr High School will have early dismissal at 12:20 pm on both Thursday, November 5 and Friday, November 6.

Montesano Jr/Sr High School Open House & Free Flu Shots

Open House at Montesano Jr/Sr High School will be on Wednesday, September 16 from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.  We encourage you all to come in and meet the teachers and to ask any questions you may have.

During the open house, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, flu shots will be available for free to anyone age 12 and older with proof of the following insurance policies:  Premera Blue Cross, Premera, Group Health, Lifewise, Health Net and Medicare.  The nurse is not contracted to take any state insurance (Apple).  You must bring a either a copy of your insurance card or the card.  Medicare cards are required, no copies.  Please bring ID as well.

For those who do not have any of the above referenced insurance policies, the cost is $30.  Only checks and cash accepted.

If students come without a parent, they will need to have a completed permission form (see link below to print) in order to receive a shot.  All students under 18 must have a form, even without a parent present.

Minor Consent for Flu Shot