About Us
Athletic Director: Pat Pace
Athletic Office: Cindy Wecker
303 North Church St.
Montesano, 98563
Fax: 1 (360) 841-7760
Athletes must have a current physical on file (good for 2 years), all paper work filled out and turned in, and an ASB Card before they are eligible to turn out. All athletic paperwork must be submitted using the Final Forms system.
Livestream Information for Athletic Events:
November 2024: Beginning with this Winter Sports season, the Montesano School District will transition how it streams school events and athletic competitions. Previously, these events were streamed on YouTube, but moving forward, they will now be broadcast directly through HudlTV. To view these events, users will have to create a free account by visiting this link at Hudl TV/Montesano. Once your account is created, you will be able to access upcoming school events and competitions. This new streaming format ensures that our community can continue to enjoy and support Montesano School District events from the comfort of their homes. Thank you for your understanding and continued support!
A "Winning" Approach
Parent / Coach Relationship
Both parenting and coaching are extremely difficult vocations. By establishing an understanding of each position, we are better able to accept the actions of the other and provide a greater benefit to student-athletes. As parents, when your student becomes involved in our program, you have the right to understand what expectations are placed on your student athlete. This begins with clear communication from the coach of your student athlete's program.
Communications You Should Expect From Your Son or Daughter's Coach
Philosophy of the coach.
Expectations and goals the coach has for student athletes, the team, and the season.
Locations and times of all practices and contests.
Specific team requirements, including special equipment, strength and conditioning programs, weekend activities, etc.
Injury procedures for practices and contests.
Team rules, guidelines, and consequences for infractions.
Lettering criteria.
Team selections process.
Communication Coaches Expect From Athletes/ Parents
Concerns expressed directly to the coach.
Notification of any schedule conflicts in advance.
Notification of illness or injury as soon as possible.
As your student becomes involved in the Montesano School District programs, he or she will experience some of the most rewarding moments of his or her life. It is so important to understand that there also may be times when things do not go the way you and your student athlete wish. At these times, discussion with the coach is encouraged. It is the first and most integral step to understanding and resolution.
There are situations that may require a conference between the coach and player, or coach and parent. These conferences are encouraged. It is important that all parties involved have a clear understanding of the other persons' position. When a conference is necessary, this procedure should be used to help resolve any concerns.
Appropriate Concerns to Discuss With Coaches
The treatment of your student athlete.
Ways to help your student athlete improve.
Concerns about your student athlete's behavior.
It is very difficult to accept your student athlete not playing as much as you hope. Coaches are professional. They make decisions based on what they believe to be the best for all student-athletes involved. As you have seen from the proceeding list, certain things can be and should be discussed with your student's coach. Other things, such as those listed below, must be left to the discretion of the coach.
Playing time.
Cut process.
Team strategy.
Play calling.
Other student-athletes.
Parent Code of Conduct
Make sure your student athlete understands that win or lose, you love him or her.
Be realistic about your student athlete's physical ability.
Help your student athlete set realistic goals.
Emphasize "improved" performance, not winning.
Provide a safe environment for training and competition.
Don't relive your own athletic past through your student athlete.
Control your emotions at games and events.
Be a "cheerleader" for your student athlete and others on the team.
Respect your student athelete's coaches. Communicate with them in a positive way. Encourage others to do the same.
Be a positive role model!
Be sensible, responsible, and keep your priorities in order. There is more at stake than a win or loss record.
The Role of Parents
Athletic events are learning experiences for student-athletes. A ticket to a contest is a privilege to observe athletic tests of skills, not to verbally assault others or be obnoxious. Audiences may forget that high school athletes have not reached mature physical performance, so errors can be expected. Moreover, audiences who learn the rules of the sport are less likely to criticize officials, players or coaches.
Remember that you are at a contest to support and yell for your team and to enjoy the skill and competition, not to intimidate or ridicule the other team and its fans.
Remember that interscholastic athletics are learning experiences for students and that mistakes are sometimes made. Praise student- athletes in their attempt to improve them- selves as students, as athletes and as people as you would praise a student working in the classroom.
Remember that a ticket to an interscholastic athletic event is a privilege to observe the contest, not a license to verbally assault others and be generally obnoxious.
Learn the rules of the game so that you may understand and appreciate why certain situations take place.
Show respect for the opposing players, coaches, fans and support groups. Treat them as you would treat a guest in your own home.
Refrain from taunting or making any kind of derogatory remarks to your opponents during the game.
Respect the integrity and judgment of game officials. Understand that they are doing their best to help promote the student-athlete and admire their willingness to participate in full view of the public.
Recognize and show appreciation for an out- standing play by either team.
Refrain from the use of any controlled sub- stances (alcohol, drugs, etc.) before and during games and afterwards on or near the site of the event.
Use only those cheers that support and uplift the teams involved.
Recognize and compliment the efforts of school and league administrators for their efforts in emphasizing the benefits of educational athletics and the role of good sportsmanship.
Be a positive behavior role model through your own actions and by censuring those around you at events where behavior is unbecoming.
Acceptable and Unacceptable Behavior
Remember that young people play sports for THEIR enjoyment, not to entertain you.
Do not have unrealistic expectations and understand that doing one’s best is as important as winning. Understand that ridiculing an athlete for making a mistake is not acceptable behavior.
Respect the official’s decisions and encourage all participants to do the same.
Respect and show appreciation for the coaches and understand that they have given their time to provide sport activities for our young people.
Encourage athletes and coaches to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.Show respect for my team’s opponents and realize there would be no game without them.
Do not use bad language and harass athletes, coaches, officials or other spectators.
Always show good sportsmanship since young people learn best by example.